Examples of Lines of Credit in a sentence
The terms and conditions in this section are in addition to and modify the terms and conditions of the Plan with respect to Lines of Credit.
The Transportation Authority will need to retain an investment bank to remarket bonds that are “put.”b) Indexed Notes are forms of variable rate debt that do not require Letters or Lines of Credit.
Lines of Credit and Other Debt Facilities The Company has access to various revolving lines of credit, short-term debt facilities and overdraft facilities worldwide which are used to fund short-term cash needs.
During the year, the Company was subject to financial covenants related to its Lines of Credit.
This planning or consulting may encompass one or more of the following areas: Investment Planning, Retirement Planning, Estate Planning, Charitable Planning, Education Planning, Corporate and Personal Tax Planning, Cost Segregation Study, Corporate Structure, Real Estate Analysis, Mortgage/Debt Analysis, Insurance Analysis, Lines of Credit Evaluation, Business and Personal Financial Planning.