Liquid Condensate definition

Liquid Condensate means Shipper’s owned or Controlled liquid hydrocarbons separated (mechanically or otherwise) from Shipper’s owned or Controlled Gas at or near the Well Pad upstream of the Receipt Points and injected into the Gathering System by Shipper at a Receipt Point.
Liquid Condensate means liquid hydrocarbons separated (mechanically or otherwise) from Gas at or near a well pad upstream of a receipt point on the ACAA System, or the Majorsville System, as applicable, and injected into such Individual System by Shipper (or another shipper) at a receipt point on such Individual System.

Examples of Liquid Condensate in a sentence

  • In all other circumstances, as between the Parties, Shipper shall be deemed to have custody and control of such Gas and/or Liquid Condensate.

  • Such invoice will include (i) for Gas, the product of (A) the measured volumes of Gas (other than Drip Condensate) in MSCF multiplied by (B) the Gross Heating Value of such Gas and expressed in MMBtus and (ii) for Liquid Condensate and Drip Condensate (if applicable), the measured volumes stated in Barrels, in each case, received and delivered by Gatherer and will be in detail sufficient for Shipper to identify the particular services rendered and the basis for such charges.

  • From and after Shipper’s delivery of its owned or Controlled Gas to Gatherer at the Receipt Point(s) or injection of its owned or Controlled Liquid Condensate at the Receipt Point(s), and, subject to Section 3.6 and Section 4.8, until Gatherer’s re-delivery of such Gas and/or such Liquid Condensate to or for Shipper’s account at the applicable Delivery Point(s), as between the Parties, Gatherer shall have custody and control of such Gas and/or Liquid Condensate.

  • If Gatherer submits an invoice based on estimated volumes, Gatherer shall prepare and submit to Shipper an invoice based on actual measurements on or before the close of business of the 45th Day (or if such 45th Day is not a Business Day, on the following Business Day) after the applicable Month of delivery of Gas and/or Liquid Condensate.

  • If actual measurements of volumes of Gas and/or Liquid Condensate are not available by the Statement Deadline, then, on or after such Statement Deadline, Gatherer may prepare and submit its invoice based on Gatherer’s good faith estimate of the volumes of Gas and/or Liquid Condensate received in such Month.

  • Nominations, scheduling and balancing of Gas and Liquid Condensate available for, and interruptions and curtailment of, Gathering Services under this Agreement shall be performed in accordance with the applicable Operating Terms and Conditions set forth in Exhibit A.

  • Gatherer shall market and sell Shipper’s Joint Dedicated Liquid Condensate and Sole Dedicated Liquid Condensate delivered to a Receipt Point to a non-Affiliated Third Party f.o.

  • Shipper shall have the obligation to ensure that Gas and Joint Dedicated Liquid Condensate is prevented from entering the Gathering System at pressures in excess of such maximum operating pressure, and Gatherer shall have the right to restrict or relieve the flow of Gas and Joint Dedicated Liquid Condensate into the Gathering System to protect the Gathering System from over pressuring.

  • Shipper shall be responsible for measuring and injecting into the Gathering System any Joint Dedicated Liquid Condensate or Sole Dedicated Liquid Condensate at the applicable Receipt Point.

  • As of the Execution Date, Gatherer has acquired the Gathering System (defined below), which gathers Gas (defined below) and certain Liquid Condensate (defined below) produced from certain oil and gas leases and fee mineral interests.

Related to Liquid Condensate

  • Condensate means hydrocarbon liquid separated from natural gas which condenses due to changes in the temperature or pressure and remains liquid at standard conditions.

  • Residual disinfectant concentration means the concentration of disinfectant measured in mg/L in a representative sample of water.

  • Ethanol blended gasoline means the same as defined in section 214A.1.

  • Bulk gasoline plant means a gasoline storage and distribution facility with an average daily throughput of 20,000 gallons (76,000 liters) of gasoline or less on a 30-day rolling average.

  • Hydrocarbons means oil, gas, casinghead gas, drip gasoline, natural gasoline, condensate, distillate, liquid hydrocarbons, gaseous hydrocarbons and all products refined or separated therefrom.

  • Total hydrocarbons (THC) means the sum of all volatile compounds measurable by a flame ionization detector (FID).

  • Cannabinoid concentrate means a substance obtained by separating cannabinoids from marijuana by:

  • Gas means any mixture of hydrocarbons and noncombustible gases in a gaseous state consisting primarily of methane.

  • Liquid trap means sumps, well cellars, and other traps used in association with oil and gas production, gathering, and extraction operations (including gas production plants), for the purpose of collecting oil, water, and other liquids. These liquid traps may temporarily collect liquids for subsequent disposition or reinjection into a production or pipeline stream, or may collect and separate liquids from a gas stream.

  • Geothermal fluid means water in any form at temperatures greater than 120

  • Carbon dioxide or “CO2” means the most common of the six primary greenhouse gases, consisting on a molecular level of a single carbon atom and two oxygen atoms.

  • Fuel Gas means Gas used as fuel for the operation of the Transportation System.

  • Hydrofluorocarbons means compounds that only contain hydrogen, fluorine, and carbon.

  • Oil means petroleum in any form including crude oil, fuel oil, sludge, oil refuse and refined products (other than petrochemicals which are subject to the provisions of Annex II of the present Convention) and, without limiting the generality of the foregoing, includes the substances listed in Appendix I to this Annex.

  • noxious liquid substance means any substance designated in Appendix II to this Annex or provisionally assessed under the provisions of Regulation 3(4) as falling into Category A, B, C or D.

  • High global warming potential hydrofluorocarbons means any hydrofluorocarbons in a particular end use for which EPA’s Significant New Alternatives Policy (SNAP) program has identified other acceptable alternatives that have lower global warming potential. The SNAP list of alternatives is found at 40 CFR Part 82 subpart G with supplemental tables of alternatives available at (

  • Biomass means the biodegradable fraction of products, waste and residues from biological origin from agriculture (including vegetal and animal substances), forestry and related industries including fisheries and aquaculture, as well as the biodegradable fraction of industrial and municipal waste;

  • Feedstock Gas means natural gas used as a raw material for its chemical properties in creating an end product.

  • Plasma arc incinerator means any enclosed device using a high intensity electrical discharge or arc as a source of heat followed by an afterburner using controlled flame combustion and which is not listed as an industrial furnace.

  • Cubic foot of gas or “Cubic feet of Gas” means the volume of Gas contained in one (1) cubic foot of space at a standard pressure of fourteen and seventy-three hundredths pounds per square inch absolute (14.73 psia) as required by this Agreement and at a temperature of sixty degrees (60°) Fahrenheit.

  • Fuel burning equipment means any furnace, boiler, apparatus, stack and all associated equipment, used in the process of burning fuel.

  • Aerosol cooking spray means any aerosol product designed either to reduce sticking on cooking and baking surfaces or to be applied on food, or both.

  • Hydrocarbon means a compound consisting of hydrogen and carbon, which, when naturally occurring, may also contain other elements such as sulphur;

  • Carbon dioxide equivalent or "CO2e" means an amount of greenhouse gas or gases expressed as the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide, and is computed by multiplying the mass of each of the greenhouse gases by the global warming potential published for each gas at 40 CFR part 98, subpart A, Table A–1—Global Warming Potentials, and adding the resulting value for each greenhouse gas to compute the total equivalent amount of carbon dioxide.

  • Total tetrahydrocannabinol means the same as that term is defined in § 3.2-4112.

  • Concentrate means the product of a process of extraction of metal or a metallic mineral from mineral ore that results in substantial enrichment of the metal or metallic mineral concerned;