Examples of Literally Homeless in a sentence
As set forth in the HEARTH Act, there are four categories of participant eligibility for CoC funds: 1) Literally Homeless, 2) Imminent Risk of Homelessness, 3) Homeless Under Other Federal Statutes (subject to cap), and (4) Fleeing/Attempting to Flee Domestic Violence.
Children experiencing homelessness are defined by the following HUD categories: • Category 1 – Literally Homeless: Youth who are living in a place not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelter, in transitional housing, or are exiting an institution where they temporarily resided if they were in shelter or a place not meant for human habitation before entering the institution.
Rapid Rehousing Homelessness Prevention Eligible Participants Category 1 – Literally Homeless Category 4 – Fleeing/Attempting to Flee Domestic Violence and has no other residence.
Use this portion of the form if the applicant client household is at Imminent Risk of Homelessness (Category 2), fleeing/attempting to flee domestic violence but does not meet the category of Literally Homeless (Category 4) or is At Risk of Homelessness.
Their situation must fit into either the Literally Homeless or Imminent Risk Category; or be unsafe.
The VI-SPDAT is to be completed by all individuals and families who are homeless under Category 1 (Literally Homeless) and Category 4 (Fleeing Domestic Violence) of HUD’s definition of homelessness.
In 2019, 11,760 people entered the system, were screened and assessed, and found to be Literally Homeless (77%) or Imminently Homeless (23%).
An explanation of Literally Homeless is provided in the “Definitions” section of this policy document.
In general, residential stability can be divided into two broad categories of people: those who are “literally homeless” and those who are “precariously housed.” • Literally Homeless.
Children experiencing homelessness are defined by the following HUD categories: • Category 1 – Literally Homeless: Youth who are living in a place not meant for human habitation, in emergency shelter, in transitional housing, or are exiting an institution where they temporarily resided if they were in shelter, or a place not meant for human habitation before entering the institution.