LLP Act definition
Examples of LLP Act in a sentence
NoEligibility CriteriaDocuments Required1The Bidder should be a Sole Proprietorship firm or a company registered in India under the Companies Act, 1956 / 2013 /LLP Act 2008/Indian Partnership Act 1932, as amended from time to time, and should be in operation for at least the last 3 years as on the date of bid submission.For Sole Proprietorship firm, following documents are required.a. Copy PANb. Proof of address and contact details For other, following documents are required:a.
However, registered society, trust, LLP, the company and firm applicants may change their name as allowed to them as per the provisions of the Companies Act, Society, Trust, LLP Act and Partnership Act.
The Bidder/Bidding Firm shall necessarily be a legally valid entity in the form of a Limited Company or a Private Limited Company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 or Limited Liability Partnership Firm/partnership firm under LLP Act, 2008 or Indian Partnership Act, 1932/ Society Registration Act 1961/ Cooperative Societies Act 2008/The Indian Trusts (Amendment) Act, 2016.
It was agreed that such a concept would strengthen producer organisations and allow them to avail benefits of the light-touch regime under the LLP Act.
However, if the partners agree to accept contribution in a form other than money, the amount attributable to it shall be valued by an approved valuer, as provided under the LLP Act, 2008 or rules made thereunder.
The Designated Members shall ensure that the LLP complies with the notification and registration requirements under the LLP Act as required from time to time.
The location of such registered office in England or Wales may be determined from time to time by the LLP Management Board and shall be registered with the Registrar of Companies in accordance with the LLP Act.
Since Stamp Duty is the subject reserved for the States, the LLP Act does not contain any provision for treatment of stamp duty issues.
The Parties hereby undertake that in the event the Consortium is declared the selected Bidder and awarded the Project, it shall incorporate a special purpose vehicle (the “SPV”) under the Companies Act or the LLP Act for entering into a PPP Contract with the Authority and for performing all its obligations as the Service Provider in terms of the PPP Contract for the Project.
The liability of the Partners shall be limited as provided in the LLP Act and set forth in this agreement.