Examples of Local Matching Share in a sentence
The Charter School’s Apportionment (“Apportionment”) is contingent upon the Charter School paying its 50% Local Matching Share obligation, which will be paid to the State by way of payments pursuant to the Funding Agreement.
The Charter School will receive initial funding from the State for the Local Matching Share, less any lump sum payments made by, or on behalf of, the Charter School.
The State will provide as a grant funding for fifty percent (50%) of the approved costs for the Project and the Charter School will be responsible for fifty percent (50%) of the approved costs for the Local Matching Share for the Project.
The State will provide as a grant funding for fifty percent (50%) of the approved costs for the Facilities and the School District will be responsible for fifty percent (50%) of the approved costs for the Local Matching Share for the Facilities.
DETAILED BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES Name of Position Annual Full- time Salary(2) OVERTIME Name OPERATING EXPENSES DescriptionCONTRACTUAL SERVICES ContractorDates of ContractHourly Rate ($) TRAVEL Description CAPITAL EQUIPMENT DescriptionNo. of UnitsCost per Unit ($)Total Cost ($)Budget Summary CDOT Share Local Matching Share 1.
Enter the Local Matching Share contributions in the Matching Funds Table using the dropdown boxes to select the appropriate category.
The motion passed unanimously.Vice-Chairman Thrash made a motion to approve Resolution 2016-18 Providing for Required Local Matching Share of Community Development Block Grant.
The Charter School’s Apportionment (“Apportionment”) is contingent upon the Charter School paying its 50% Local Matching Share obligation by making payments to the State pursuant to this Agreement.
Under current Program policy, the Authority established the term “Obligor” as the responsible party for repayment of the Local Matching Share, either the Applicant itself, or a charter school’s management organization, when applicable.
The State will provide as a grant funding for fifty percent (50%) of the approved costs for the Facilities and the Charter School will be responsible for fifty percent (50%) of the approved costs for the Local Matching Share for the Facilities.