Local planning agency definition
Local planning agency means the agency
Local planning agency means a metropolitan planning organization, as provided in 23 USC 134, [a regional planning agency, as provided in section 8-31a,] or a [regional] council, [of elected officials,] as defined in subdivision [(2)] (4) of section 4-124i, as amended by this act; [, or a council, as defined in subsection (f) of section 4-124c;]
Local planning agency or "LPA" means the entity responsible for preparation of the Comprehensive Plan and amendments for approval by the City of Tallahassee and Leon County and performance of other duties of a local planning agency as provided in Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, the codes of the City of Tallahassee and Leon County, and these Bylaws.
Examples of Local planning agency in a sentence
State Law References: Local planning agency, F.S. §163.3174; land development regulations, F.S. §163.3202 et seq.
More Definitions of Local planning agency
Local planning agency means the agency designated to prepare a comprehensive plan or plan amendment pursuant to the Community Planning Act.
Local planning agency means the agency designated to prepare the comprehensive plan or plan amendments required by this act.
Local planning agency means the agency designated to prepare the comprehensive plan required by this subchapter.
Local planning agency. Means the recommending agency appointed by the 8 Board of County Commissioners or Town Council to review comprehensive plan and
Local planning agency means a metropolitan planning organization, as provided in 23 USC 134, a regional planning agency, as provided in section 8-31a of the general statutes, a regional council of elected officials, as defined in subsection (b) of section 4-124i of the general statutes or a council, as defined in subsection (f) of section 4-124c of the general statutes;
Local planning agency means the agency of a local government that is responsible for the preparation of a comprehensive land use plan and plan amendments after public notice and hearings and for making recommendations to the governing body of the local government regarding the adoption or amendment of a comprehensive land use plan.
Local planning agency means the Clay County Planning Commission.