Examples of Localized flooding in a sentence
Localized flooding can be caused in most areas of the country, especially in built-up areas through heavy rain events because of poor surface water drainage.
Localized flooding may occur if existing/natural drainage path is blocked or disrupted.
Localized flooding, as defined by the Virginia Stormwater Management Regulations, means “smaller scale flooding that may occur outside of a stormwater conveyance system.
Localized flooding can also occur due to a lack of underground stormwater system capacity or surface grading issues.
Localized flooding is particularly extensive along Mission Street and N Street between 11th and 14th Streets, and north of 14th Street between Mission and N Streets.
Localized flooding is also common in these areas where insufficient/inadequate or clogged drainage are common due to improper garbage disposal.
Localized flooding from rainfall can adversely affect specific inland sections of the Village.
Localized flooding is caused by intense storms that produce more runoff than an area can store or a stream can carry within its normal channel.
Localized flooding from strong thunderstorms is common during the summer rainy season and occurs annually.
Localized flooding may be caused or exacerbated by drainage obstructions such as landslides, ice, or debris.