Examples of Long term facility in a sentence
Examples of required reserves within the general fund include: Long term facility maintenance Operating capital Capital projects Staff development Safe schools Basic skills Learning & development Vocational education Gifted and talented Achievement & integration These reserves are accounted for separately on the District’s books, as required.
Long term facility planning also reflects the addition of nonprecision instrument approach capabilities.
Guarantees The Company signed a support letter in favor of Cassa di Risparmio di Padova e Rovigo (PD), Italy, in connection with two multicurrency revolving credit facilities (i) the Short term facility and (ii) the Long term facility both granted by Intesa Intesa San Paolo – Shangai Branch to the group company Carraro Drive Systems Co. Ltd.
Long term facility needs are identified through the facitlies master planning process and the five year State Scheduled Maintenance plan.
Voting: Aye – 5; Nay - 0 15-120 DISCUSS/ACKNOWLEDGE REVIEW OF PROCEDURES FOR LONG TERM FACILITIESAcknowledgement of Policy 05.31 AP.1 on Long term facility usage guidelines passed with a motion by Ms.LaVern Baker and a second by Mrs.