Lord Mayor definition
Lord Mayor means the Lord Mayor of the Hobart City Council.
Lord Mayor means the Lord Mayor of the City of Melbourne, pursuant to the City of Melbourne Act 2001, and includes any member of Council acting as Lord Mayor.
Lord Mayor means the Head of Council of the Town.
Examples of Lord Mayor in a sentence
Opening Prayer The Lord Mayor opened the meeting with prayer and an acknowledgement of country.
The Lord Mayor further advised that all care will be taken to maintain privacy, however as a visitor in the public gallery, the public should be aware that their presence may be recorded.
If two or more Members rise, the Lord Mayor will call on one to speak and the other or others must sit.
A Member when speaking at full Council must stand and address the Lord Mayor.
When the Lord Mayor rises during a debate, any Member speaking at the time must stop and sit down.
More Definitions of Lord Mayor
Lord Mayor means the person currently elected and holding the office of the Lord Mayor of the City of Adelaide;
Lord Mayor means the Lord Mayor of the City of Melbourne and includes any elected member of the Council acting as Lord Mayor.
Lord Mayor means the Lord Mayor of the Municipal Council of Port Louis;
Lord Mayor means the Lord Mayor of Kampala Capital City;
Lord Mayor means the head of Council;
Lord Mayor means the Lord Mayor of Neiafu for the time being;
Lord Mayor s Parlour means the administration office working on behalf of the Lord Mayor.