Examples of Line Losses in a sentence
Energy losses over the Alberta portion of the MATL Line are further described in MATL Procedure No. MATL-814 “MATL Line Losses in Alberta” as posted on the MATL OASIS under the folder labeled Business Practices.
It is the intention to develop a number of stakeholder sub-groups for this Board, one of which would be the GIRFT Link Lead group.
The estimate is based on its application to large commercial buildings (>100,000 ft2 in floor area) with the provision of electricity savings of 9% and market penetration ranging from 5% to 20%.• Reducing Line Losses through voltage control and compensation for reactive power and line drop.
The Transmission Customer’s schedules must compensate NWMT, MATL’s host Balancing Authority in Montana, for the loss factors stated in MATL Procedure No. MATL-802 “MATL Line Losses in Montana” as posted on the MATL OASIS under the Business Practices folder and in accordance with the MATL Tariff at the time service is rendered.
M., “Sulfur Removal in Advanced Two-Stage Pressurized Fluidized Bed Combustion,” Final Technical Report Prepared for Illinois Clean Coal Institute, September 1994.