Examples of LSA Agreement in a sentence
CDFW may not execute the final LSA Agreement until it has complied with CEQA as a Responsible Agency.
Permits may include section 404/401 CWA permits, Regional Water Board WDRs (when applicable), CDFW LSA Agreement, and county or local agency permits.
Permits may include a valid water right, 404/401 CWA permits, a CDFW LSA Agreement, coverage under the Cannabis Cultivation General Order water quality certification, or site-specific WDRs issued by the Regional Water Board.
CDFW may not execute the final LSA Agreement (or ITP) until it has complied with CEQA as a Responsible Agency.
CDFW will consider the CEQA document for the Project and may issue an LSA Agreement.
Based on this notification and other information, the Department then determines whether a Lake and Streambed Alteration (LSA) Agreement is required.
CDFW is also considered a Responsible Agency if a project would require discretionary approval, such as permits issued under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) or Native Plant Protection Act, a Lake and Streambed Alteration (LSA) Agreement, or other provisions of the Fish and Game Code that afford protection to the state’s fish and wildlife trust resources.
High Risk – Are facilities that have any portion of their disturbed area located within the setback requirements, with the exception of activities authorized under a Clean Water Act section 404 permit, a CDFW LSA Agreement, coverage under the General Order Water Quality Certification, or site-specific WDRs issued by the Regional Water Board, are classified as high risk and will be assessed the high-risk fee until the activities comply with the setback requirements.
CDFW will consider the CEQA document for the project and may issue an LSA Agreement.
Recharge to ground water in the soil water system rainfall is the principal means for replenishment of moisture.