LTV Percentage definition

LTV Percentage means, at any time, the quotient (expressed as a percentage) of (a) the Total Outstandings divided by (b) the Collateral Value.
LTV Percentage means the ratio calculated by Lender (expressed as a percentage) of (i) the then Outstanding Principal Balance of the Loan and any New Mezzanine Loan (excluding the amount of any Defeased Note) to (ii) the Appraised Value of the Properties remaining subject to the Lien of the Loan Documents after giving effect to the release of the Property in question.
LTV Percentage means the ratio (expressed as a percentage) of (x) the aggregate of the Loan less any monies deposited into a blocked account pursuant to clause 8.1.8(b) to (y) the aggregate Market Value of the Property;

Examples of LTV Percentage in a sentence

  • Immediately after giving effect to such Advance, the LTV Percentage shall be less than the Maintenance LTV Percentage.

  • If at any time the LTV Percentage exceeds the Maximum LTV Percentage (a “Mandatory Prepayment Event”), the Borrower shall prepay the Loan in an amount sufficient to reduce the LTV Percentage to the Maximum LTV Percentage (the amount required to so reduce the LTV Percentage shall be determined on the initial date of such excess) within five (5) Business Days after the occurrence of such excess.

  • Permit the Total Outstandings to be greater than the applicable LTV Percentage multiplied by the Realizable Orderly Liquidation Value of registered Trademarks of the Loan Parties, DVS and With You, as applicable, as determined pursuant to the most recent appraisal conducted by or on behalf of the Agent with respect to such registered Trademarks pursuant to Section 6.10(b).

  • On the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth, each Lender, severally and not jointly, shall make Advances to the Borrower as the Borrower may request at its option from time to time on any Business Day during the Availability Period in an amount which after giving effect to such Advances (a) would not cause the aggregate Advances Outstanding to exceed the Maximum Availability on such date, and (b) would not cause the LTV to exceed the Maximum Quarterly LTV Percentage.

  • Anything to the contrary notwithstanding, any Waivable Mandatory Prepayment that is refused by a Term A Lender shall nevertheless be considered to reduce the outstanding principal amount of the Term A Loan for purposes of the LTV Percentage Calculation and Required LTV Percentage Calculation.

More Definitions of LTV Percentage

LTV Percentage means, at any time, a percentage amount equal to the quotient of (a) the unpaid principal balance of the Loans outstanding hereunder at such time, divided by (b) the Eligible NAV at such time.
LTV Percentage means as of the Effective Date, sixty (60%) percent; provided that the LTV Percentage shall decrease on the date of each required amortization payment of the Term Loans made pursuant to Section 2.06(a) and (b) hereof to a percentage equal to the Loan to Value Ratio as calculated after giving effect to each such repayment of the Term Loans; provided further that in no event shall the LTV Percentage at any time be less than fifty (50%) percent.
LTV Percentage means the amount advanced by CA to the Borrower in respect of each Loan expressed as a percentage of the value of the property concerned on a forced sale basis.
LTV Percentage has the meaning given to it in the Specific Terms;
LTV Percentage means, at any time, the quotient (expressed as a percentage) of (a) the Total Outstandings divided by (b) the Collateral Value. “Maintenance LTV Percentage” means 40%.
LTV Percentage means the percentages set forth below:
LTV Percentage means the ratio calculated by Agent (expressed as a percentage) of (i) the sum of the Allocated Loan Amounts for the Davies Center Property and the Waterfront Property of the Loan to (ii) the Appraised Value of such Properties after giving effect to the release of the Property in question, in the case of each of clauses (i) and (ii), to the extent that the relevant Property remains subject to the Lien of the Loan Documents.