Lying in wait definition
Examples of Lying in wait in a sentence
Perez (1992) 2 Cal.4th 1117, 1123.) Lying in wait is defined as waiting and watching for an opportune time to act, together with a concealment by ambush or other secret design to take the victim by surprise, even though the victim is aware of the murderer’s presence.
Lying in wait, however, could be difficult questions of constitutional interpretation.
Lying in wait to trap your victim and steal their lunch money and cause them physical, social and emotional harm.
Lying in wait for these small issuers, amidst the dark side of the securities business, are the purveyors of fraudulent shell corporations; the front-end fee con artists; the purported Reg S specialists who send the stock off-shore and wait to dump it back into the U.S. through unscrupulous brokerage firms or representatives who are receiving under-the-table payments for promoting stocks; the micro-cap manipulators; and the representatives who have been barred from the securities business.
Perched on four slim legs borrowed from the truth, she pricks up her ears beneath my fingertips.Silence – this word also rustles across the page and parts the boughsthat have sprouted from the word “woods.” Lying in wait, se to pounce on the blank page, are letters up to no good,clutches of clauses so subordinate they’ll never let her get away.
Lying in wait means to ambush a person in one or many places for a long or short period of time, in order to murder the person or assault him by any act of violence.
Lying in wait to make life difficult and sometimes deadly for fishermen, cargo ship captains and offshore oil and gas platform operators is a mix of swift currents, whirlpools, and sandbars that seem to come and go.
With respect to Count II, the Plaintiffs argued that an injunction is warranted: Lying in wait and then impatiently pouncing on Lawrence is unfair and inequitable when there is no reason to believe Melissa’s plan will not be confirmed and the plan pays the MDOR the full amount it demanded in its Proof of Claim, which presumably includes interest.