Major species definition
Examples of Major species in a sentence
Major species cultured, production trends and prospect in different parts of the world.
Major species occurring in these forests is Cedrus deodara, Pinus wallichiana and Juniperus species.
Major species such as tilapia and tiger shrimp can tolerate varying concentrations of saltwater up to the strength of seawater.
Major species differences between humans and rodents in the susceptibility to pancreatic beta-cell injury.
Major species include Cape buffalo, lion, leopard, spottedhyena, cheetah, Capewildog, hippopotamus, crocodile, sitatunga, meerkats, redlechwe, sableantelope, eland, giraffe, common impala, Burchell’s zebra, wilde beest and spotted-neckedotter.
Major species profiles in JSR oxidation, comparing RME experiments [53] and present n‐hexadecane model.
Major species in the field plots and their maximum height and DBH.
Major species include Cape buffalo, lion, leopard, spotted hyena, cheetah, Cape wild dog, hippopotamus, crocodile, sitatunga, meerkat, red lechwe, sable antelope, eland, giraffe, common impala, Burchell’s zebra, wildebeest and spotted-necked otter.
Major species of fish catch in the northern Chek Lap Kok are Croaker, Shrimp and Anchovy.
Major species concentrations for n‐decane oxidation in the Princeton flow reactor, To =1019 K, 1452 ppm n‐decane, ϕ = 1.0, 1 atm.