Examples of Mandatory Restrictions in a sentence
The OTS, in its discretion, may, by written notice, suspend any or all provisions of the PCA Directive, except for Section 2.1 (Mandatory Restrictions).
STAGE 1-C Mandatory Mandatory Restrictions Limiting Lawn Watering by Town to Two Days Per Week between 6-9 a.m. and 6-9 p.m. Mondays, Thursdays DedhamTuesdays, Fridays Westwood No lawn watering is allowed on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays.
Mandatory Restrictions and intervention compensation provisionsOn 15 August 2019, the AEMC published its Investigation into Intervention Mechanisms in the NEM Final Report, which recommended that the mandatory restrictions framework (NER rule 3.12A) be removed and AEMO submit a rule change proposal for this purpose29.
Pew Internet & American Life Project, Spyware: The Threat of Unwanted Software Programs isChanging the way People use the Internet, 6 (July 2005), available at http://pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Spyware_Report_July_05.pdf.D. Impose Mandatory Restrictions on Use and Retention of DataNIST must ensure that restrictions on the use and retention of data is mandatory, not aspirational.
In addition to the penalties otherwise provided by municipal, state, and federal law, any person operating or handling any aircraft or vehicle in violation of these rules and regulations, may be deprived of further use of the Airport and its facilities for such length of time as the Executive Director may determine, except that a violation of the Mandatory Restrictions, will be enforced in accordance with Section 3 B.
The OTS, in its discretion, may, by written notice, suspend any or all provisions of the Directive, except for Section 2.1 (Mandatory Restrictions).
In the event that any aircraft owner or operator has two or more violations of the Mandatory Restrictions within any three-year period, then for a period of one year after the date of the second violation, the aircraft owner or operator may be denied the right to land or take off from APF, except in a bona fide emergency situation.
It would probably be necessary to augment the customer service field service staff to maintain surveillance of these services to assure that unauthorized changes are not made by the customer.• Mandatory Restrictions and Fines:IRWD’s ability to establish restrictions on water use and to possibly discontinue non- health and safety related service in the case of repeat violators is provided for under the CWC, Division 1, Chapters 3 and 3.5.
Based on the accounts and remi- niscences of witnesses to those events, it can be assumed that at its inception this group operated unofficially, and may have emerged spontaneously as a result of the first regula- tions discriminating against Jews in the General Government [hereafter: GG].Commonly, the date of creation of the OD is assumed to be 5 July 1940.6 However, the makeup of its original membership remains unknown.
Filling or re-‐filling ornamental lakes or ponds with potable water is prohibited, except to the extent needed to sustain aquatic life, provided that such animals are of significant value and have been actively managed within the water feature prior to the implementation of any staged Mandatory Restrictions on Water Use.