Map definition

Map means the Flood Hazard Boundary Map (FHBM) or the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) for a community issued by FEMA.
Map means the map marked “Map referred to in the Herefordshire (Electoral Changes) Order 2014”, prints of which are available for inspection at the principal office of the Local Government Boundary Commission for England;

Examples of Map in a sentence

  • This project proposes to relinquish, by Legislative Enactment, the segment of Whittier Boulevard (SR 72), between the Orange/Los Angeles County and Route 605, to the City of Whittier (See attached Relinquishment Map (REL 1275).

  • Refer to the attached Relinquishment Map (REL-1275) for the proposed highway relinquishment limits.

  • Drafted by the City of Madison Office of Real Estate Services Project No. 4011 Lot 1, Certified Survey Map No. 12189, as recorded in the Dane County Register of Deeds in Volume 75, Page 171 of Certified Survey Maps, City of Madison, Dane County, Wisconsin.

  • In order to pursue the aforesaid activity on this property, (Tax Map # ), I agree to properly install and maintain the vegetation as required and in accordance with the attached guidelines.

  • A-1 Figures Figure 1 Map of the Chihuahuan Desert Ecoregion 2 Figure 2 Map of the Chihuahuan Desert Transboundary Corridor (CDTC) 3 Figure 3 A Generic Framework for Collaborative Management 31 Table 1 Summary of the Questionnaire Responses 23 This document provides information that can be used by protected area managers in the Chihuahuan Desert Transboundary Corridor (“Transboundary Corridor”) to develop a program for binational collaborative management of natural resources in this unique ecoregion.

More Definitions of Map

Map means the map marked “Map referred to in the Lancaster City Council (Reorganisation of Community Governance) Order 2017” and deposited in accordance with section 96(4) of the 2007 Act: and any reference to a numbered sheet is a reference to the sheet of the map which bears that number;
Map means that part of a declaration that depicts all or any portion of a common interest community in three dimensions, is executed by a person that is authorized by this title to execute a declaration relating to the common interest community, and is recorded in the real estate records in every county in which any portion of the common interest community is located. A map is required for a common interest community with units having a horizontal boundary. A map and a plat may be combined in one instrument.
Map means the map marked “Cuddington Parish Map 2015” and deposited in accordance with section 96(4) of the 2007 Act;
Map means the map marked “Map referred to in the District of Newark and Sherwood (Electoral Changes) Order 2007”, of which prints are available for inspection at the principal office of the Electoral Commission: and any reference to a numbered sheet is a reference to the sheet of the map which bears that number;
Map means: (a) With respect to a plat community, the plat as defined in RCW 58.17.020 and complying with the requirements of Title 58 RCW, and (b) with respect to a condominium, cooperative, or miscellaneous community, a map prepared in accordance with the requirements of RCW 64.90.245.
Map means a Model Accreditation Plan pursuant to the Asbestos Model Accreditation, Plan; Interim Final Rule, published at 40 CFR, Part 763, Appendix C to Subpart E as of October 13, 2005.