Marginal cost definition

Marginal cost means the electrical utility’s marginal cost for producing energy.
Marginal cost means the change in total cost due to a small change in the quantity produced or provided.
Marginal cost means the change in total cost due to a small change in the quantity of an item produced or service provided.

Examples of Marginal cost in a sentence

  • For the purposes of this Condition, the price component of any Commercial Offer Data shall be treated as cost-reflective only if, in relation to each relevant generation set, the Schedule Production Cost related to that generation set in respect of the Trading Day to which the Commercial Offer Data submitted by or on behalf of the Licensee apply is equal to the Short Run Marginal Cost related to that generation set in respect of that Trading Day.

  • In regards to the payments against the Monthly bill, if paid beyond the 30 (Thirty) days of its due date, a late Payment charge shall be payable by MSEDCL to the Solar Power Generator at the rate of 1.25% (percent) in excess of the SBI, 1 year Marginal Cost of Funds Based Lending Rate (MCLR) per annum / any replacement thereof by SBI.

  • Provided that the rate at which Late Payment Surcharge shall be payable shall not exceed the rate of seven (7) percent in excess of the SBI 1 year Marginal Cost of Funds Based Lending Rate (MCLR) per annum / any replacement thereof by SBI, on the amount of outstanding payment, calculated on a week or part thereof basis viz.

  • If advance payments are insisted by the bidders, interest at the rate of MCLR (Marginal Cost Linked Rate) as notified by State Bank of India from time to time shall be loaded on the prices for price comparison.

  • Total Day-Ahead system Marginal Losses in MWh and Marginal Cost of Losses for each Trading Hour of the next Trading Day.

  • Upon resolution of the dispute, in case the Power Producer is subsequently found to have overcharged, then it shall return the overcharged amount with an interest of SBI 1 year Marginal Cost of Funds Based Lending Rate (MCLR) per annum plus 7% for the period it retained the additional amount.

  • The CAISO shall base the Marginal Cost of Losses on LMP differentials at the Existing Contract source(s) and sink(s) identified in the valid ETC Self-Schedule.

  • At each PNode or Aggregated PNode, the Marginal Cost of Losses is the System Marginal Energy Cost multiplied by the Marginal Loss factor at that PNode or Aggregated PNode.

  • In case of advance payment/ Milestone Payment, for the purpose of evaluation, interest shall be loaded on the amount so paid as advance for the delivery period quoted, as per Marginal Cost of funds based Lending Rate [MCLR] or any other rate as notified by Reserve Bank of India from time to time, prevailing on the date of tender opening.

  • The Marginal Cost of Losses at a Location (PNode or APNode) may be positive or negative depending on whether an increase in Demand at that Location marginally increases or decreases the cost of Transmission Losses, using the distributed Reference Bus to balance it.

More Definitions of Marginal cost

Marginal cost means the supplier’s forecasted marginal cost for producing energy over the term of the rate proposal.
Marginal cost means the cost of providing or consuming the next additional unit of a good or service at a given point in time. The marginal cost to a utility of providing an additional kilowatt‐hour (kWh) of electricity varies depending on when that electricity is being used, while the marginal cost to the customer for each kWh consumed (the unit price) is relatively stable, changing only when rates change.
Marginal cost for the purposes of this Paragraph shall mean Service Provider’s marginal cost as agreed in writing by the parties. The parties acknowledge that Service Provider’s marginal cost generally means its direct costs less general overhead and administration expenses allocated to the provision of the Services. A business forecast based on marginal cost will be provided on a quarterly basis for budget purposes. Charges will be billed one month in arrears to allow for the calculation of actual marginal costs.
Marginal cost means a change in the total cost corresponding to a small change in the quantity of production, demand, network usage, etc.
Marginal cost means the change in total cost corresponding to a small change in the quantity of generation, demand, use of the network, etc.;
Marginal cost the Operator’s estimate of the actual variable cost of generation from each Unit of the Facility in $/MWh basis, that is consistent with PJM rules for use as a Cost-Based Offer.

Related to Marginal cost

  • Normal cost means the annual cost attributable, under the actuarial cost method in use, to current and future years as of a particular valuation date, excluding any payment in respect of an unfunded actuarial liability.

  • Additional Cost has the meaning assigned to such term in Section 3.01.

  • Locational Marginal Price or “LMP” shall mean the market clearing price for energy at a given location in a Party’s RC Area, and “Locational Marginal Pricing” shall mean the processes related to the determination of the LMP.

  • Marginal farmer means a cultivator with an unirrigated land holding up to one hectare or irrigated land holding up to half hectare;

  • Total cost means the total annual cost of benefits and related costs including but not limited to claims, administration expenses, insurance premiums, consulting and advisory fees and all other costs and taxes, as reported on the insurance carrier’s most recent yearly statement and, if any, premium costs on other school authority financial statements for the year not ending later than August 31, 2015. The statements are to be provided to the Ministry of Education.

  • Actual Cost means the cost of depleted supplies, records storage media costs, actual mailing and alternative delivery costs, or other transmitting costs, and any direct equipment operating and maintenance costs, including actual costs paid to private contractors for copying services.

  • Trip Cost means the dollar amount of Trip payments or deposits paid by the Insured prior the Insured’s Trip Departure Date and shown on any required application which is subject to cancellation penalties or restrictions. Trip cost will also include the cost of any subsequent pre-paid payments or deposits paid by the Insured for the same Trip, after application for coverage under this plan provided the Insured amends the Application to add such subsequent payments or deposits and pays any required additional plan cost prior to the Insured’s Departure Date.

  • Current Value shall have the meaning set forth in Section 11(a)(iii) hereof.

  • Adjusted Net Earnings means net earnings (loss) attributable to common stockholders as reported in the Company’s periodic reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission, provided that such amount shall be adjusted by reversing the following, to the extent such adjustments were made in calculating such net earnings (loss) attributable to common stockholders:

  • Net cost means the Contractor’s actual cost after deducting all permitted cash and trade discounts, rebates, allowances, credits, sales taxes, commissions, and refunds (whether or not any or all of the same shall have been taken by the Contractor) of all parts and materials purchased by the Contractor solely for the use in performing its obligation hereunder provided, where such purchase has received the prior written approval of the Manager as required herein. The Contractor shall promptly furnish to the Manager such bills of sale and other instruments as the Manger may require, executed, acknowledged and delivered, assuring to the Manager title to such materials, supplies, equipment, parts, and tools free of encumbrances.

  • Gross Calorific Value of “GCV” shall mean that quantity of heat expressed in Kilowatt- hour produced by the complete combustion of one (1) normal cubic metre of Natural Gas at twenty-five (25) degrees Celsius and an absolute pressure of one decimal zero one three two five (1.01325) bar with excess air at the same temperature and pressure as the Natural Gas when the products of combustion are cooled to twenty-five (25) degrees Celsius and when the water formed by combustion is condensed to the liquid state and the products of combustion contain the same total mass of water vapor as the Natural Gas and air before combustion.

  • Operating Cost means the costs associated with operating a multifamily development once the project is placed in service.

  • Worst Value means, in respect of a ST Valuation Date, the RI Value for the Reference Item(s) with the lowest or equal lowest RI Value for any Reference Item in the Basket in respect of such ST Valuation Date.

  • Incremental cost means all costs that could be avoided in the medium term if a Segment was removed from the Network;

  • Current Assessed Value means the assessed value of the District certified by the municipal assessor as of April 1st of each year that the District remains in effect.

  • Daily Measurement Value means the Specified Dollar Amount (if any), divided by 40.

  • Assessed value means 1 of the following:

  • Current Rate means the applicable basic minimum wage rate for Local Workers by reason of any National or State Statute or Ordinance, prevailing on any date subsequent to the date 28 days prior to the latest date set for submission of Tenders.