Rules for Use Sample Clauses

Rules for Use. By using your Card with your PIN at ATM’s or other electronic terminals operated by a participating institution, network system, or company (collectively “terminals”), you authorize us to effect the transactions from or to your savings or checking account(s) in accordance with the instructions given at the terminals. All transactions are subject to the terms and conditions of your account agreements with us governing the affected accounts.
Rules for Use. A bargaining unit member may use sick leave for absence due to personal illness, injury, illness or disability associated with pregnancy, exposure to contagious disease which could be communicated to others, and absence due to illness or death in the immediate family. Sick leave shall be limited to the maximum sick leave accumulated by the bargaining unit member. Immediate family for purposes of sick leave will include: spouse, child, father, mother, father-in-law, mother-in-law, stepfather, stepmother, and any other person living in the immediate household and standing in lieu of the aforementioned persons. A brother or sister living in the immediate household may be considered part of the immediate family. The Board shall consider special situations outside of this policy to determine if the use of sick leave is appropriate.
Rules for Use. The particular nature of the Carandell Economics Library collection means that its consulting has to be controlled in order to preserve and maintain it in optimum conditions, and for this reason the following rules must be complied with:
Rules for Use. When appropriate, the Committee will establish rules and procedures for the parties’ use of items acquired pursuant to this Agreement, including determining the responsibility for damage to, or loss of, the items.
Rules for Use. 1. Rental time and available dates
Rules for Use. Participant hereby acknowledges that pursuant to Association’s Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, Restrictions, and Easements for Venu at Grayhawk (“Declaration”), the Association may adopt and amend rules that govern and restrict the use of the Common Area Facilities. Participant hereby agrees to abide by any and all rules adopted or imposed by the Board that regulate the Common Area Facilities. Participant hereby acknowledges that it is Participant’s responsibility to read and understand all newly adopted rules prior to accessing or using the Common Area Facilities. Participant acknowledges and agrees that only the Participant and his or her minor children identified herein (“Minor Children”) are authorized to access or use the Common Area Facilities. Participant certifies that Participant is the parent or legal guardian of the Minor Children. If Participant becomes aware of any unauthorized use, Participant agrees to immediately report such use to the Association. Assumption of the Risk: Participant, for myself and on behalf of my children, spouse, legal guardian, personal representative, heirs, executors, assigns and/or next of kin (collectively, “Bound Parties”), do hereby waive, release, relinquish, discharge and covenant not to sue, and agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Released Persons, from any and all damage, claims for liability and causes of action, suits, procedures, costs and expenses, including attorney’s fees of any kind, including, but not limited to, personal injury, property damage, or wrongful death occurring to Participant or any guest of Participant, which may be incurred, now or in the future, arising out of or relating to the Bound Parties contracting COVID-19 from Activities within the Common Area Facilities, whenever or however such contraction occurs. Termination: Participant may revoke this Waiver for any reason upon fourteen (14) days written notice delivered to the Association. Upon such revocation, Participant shall not be permitted to use the Common Area Facilities until further notice.
Rules for Use. 1. Use in conjunction with AFLA or FMLA leave. Paid parental leave must be taken during approved AFLA or FMLA leave. Any paid parental leave taken will be counted toward the eighteen (18) weeks of protected leave per rolling twelve
Rules for Use. I have been provided a copy of (a) the equipment manufacturer's health and safety warnings, and (b) any rules established by the Borough for use of the equipment. I agree to be familiar with and abide by such health and safety warnings and use rules. I accept sole and complete responsibility for my own conduct and actions while using the equipment, whether the conduct and action is or is not in compliance with any such warnings or use rules, and regardless of whether any such use rules have in fact been established. I further understand and agree that I will use the equipment only in the specified permitted use location, for the permitted time period of usage, and will at no time use the equipment at any other location within the facility or take the equipment outside of the facility. I agree to be responsible and reimburse the Borough for any damage to the equipment sustained during my usage.
Rules for Use. 1. Use in conjunction with AFLA or FMLA leave. Paid parental leave must be taken during approved AFLA or FMLA leave. Any paid parental leave taken will be counted toward the 18 weeks of protected leave per rolling 12- month period available to employees under AFLA or the twelve weeks of protected leave per rolling twelve-month period available to employees under FMLA. 2. Use in weekly blocks; use in coordination with other leave; unused paid parental leave; leave accrual during use. Employees must take paid parental leave in weekly blocks (40 hours over the course of a single work week or, for eligible employees who work less than full time, one- fourth of the amount of leave available to them under section A.) and must use all paid parental leave during approved AFLA or FMLA leave for the qualifying event. Any unused paid parental leave will be forfeited at the end of the approved AFLA or FMLA leave period. Employees that are awarded non-cashable leave under subsection A. will not accrue leave or sick leave while on paid parental leave. 3. One award per rolling 12-month period; to eligible employees. In no case will an employee receive more than one award of 160 hours of non-cashable (or the prorated amount for employees that work less than full time) leave as paid parental leave in a rolling 12-month period, regardless of whether more than one birth, adoption, xxxxxx care placement, or other qualifying event occurs within that twelve-month time frame. The birth or placement of more than one child at the same time will be treated as one qualifying event for which an employee will receive a total of 160 hours (or the prorated portion of hours for employees that work less than full time). If two eligible employees experience the same qualifying event, both employees may take parental leave.
Rules for Use. All EFTs are subject to the terms and conditions of my Account agreement(s) with you that govern the affected Account(s), and all EFT deposits and payments are subject to later verification by you.