Marine facility definition
Examples of Marine facility in a sentence
If a vessel moored at or in the approaches to any Berth, wharf or Marine facility causes oil, or oily or greasy or other materials to pollute the waters of the port, the Company may take action to minimize or eliminate the pollution and the costs of such action are recoverable from the vessel and the owners or agent or Master of the vessel.
The Marine Manager and any other employee of the Company is at liberty to take such steps as are necessary to prevent any person entering upon any wharf or Marine facility and to remove any person who has so entered without permission or who is intoxicated, idle or is causing or, in the opinion of the Marine Manager, is likely to cause a disturbance.
R&T-3§ 46016 Marine facility .................................................................................
R&T-3 ' 46016 Marine facility ...................................................................................................
Guests of the hotel receive access to the Crate Marine facility where some transient slips are held for hotel guests.