Examples of Maximum Available Capacity in a sentence
The Prosecutor’s Office ordered 1 investigation against 1 person and filed 1 indictment against 2 persons, and ceased 1 investigation against 1 person.
Therefore, it is pleaded that the definition of Maximum Available Capacity needs to be reviewed and modified.
Maximum Available Capacity is calculated as the sum of the daily available water storage volume in the Wiswall and Oyster River reservoirs, plus the available instream flow from the Lamprey or Oyster Rivers, plus the safe yield of the LeeSeptember XX, 2013 15 Well.
The Source Water Management Protocol is based on a comparison of System Demand and Maximum Available Capacity according to the following definitions:System Demand is calculated as the sum of the production from the Arthur Rollins Water Treatment Plant (ARWTP) and the withdrawal from the Lee Well.
Frequency droop will be based on the difference between maximum nameplate active power output (Pmax) (Maximum Available Capacity) and zero output (Pmin) such that the 4% percent droop line is always constant for a resource (see figure below): Nominal System Frequency is 60.00 Hz. The closed-loop dynamic response of the active power-frequency control system of the overall Facility, as measured at the POI must have the capability to meet or exceed the performance specified in below.