Examples of Maximum Size in a sentence
TABLE - 2.12Minimum Cement Content, Maximum Water Cement Ratio And Minimum Grade Of Concrete For Different Exposures With Norma Weight Aggregates Of 20mm Nominal Maximum Size.
For 3/8@ (9.5 mm) Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size mixtures, the specified VFA range shall be 73.0% to 76.0% and for 4.75 mm Nominal Maximum Size mixtures, the range shall be 75 % to 78% for design traffic levels $3 million ESALs. Gradation Control Points: The combined aggregates shall conform to the gradation requirement specified in the following table when tested according to T-11 and T-27.TABLE 1 Note: The aggregate’s gradation for each sieve must fall within the minimum and maximum limits.
Minimum Size 8½” x 11” • Maximum Size 24” x 36” • Larger parcels of land may require multiple sheets of paper.
Chapters: 3-5 Lusk Municipal Cemetery CHAPTER 5 LUSK MUNICIPAL CEMETERY Sections:3-5-100 Management, Maintenance and Operation3-5-110 Purchase, Conveyance and Assignment of Cemetery Lots 3-5-120 Abandonment of Grave or Lot Ownership3-5-130 Fees3-5-140 Time of Interment3-5-150 Monuments, Markers, Memorials and Foundations 3-5-160 Directory, Map and Registry3-5-170 Prohibited Acts3-5-180 Exhumations3-5-190 Liability3-5-200 Maximum Size of Containers Holding Cremated Remains 3-5-100.
If found in the UPS system, they are subject to one or more of the follow ing additional charges: Over Maximum Weight, Over Maximum Length, or Over Maximum Size.
The total calculated air content of the concrete as discharged from the mixer shall be as follows: Coarse Aggregates Total Air - Per cent by Maximum Size Volume of Concrete 2.0 cm.
The range from the Minimum Size to the Maximum Size is referred to as the “Variable Board Size.” The size of the Board of Managers at any particular time shall be referred to as the “Whole Board.” The size of the Whole Board is currently ten (10).
Current Transformers Mounting Specifications are listed in the following tables, Table II and Table III TABLE II Maximum Size and Number of Conductors For installation of Current Transformers with MES 142, MES 298 and MES 377 cabinets, the minimum height clearance shall be 2-feet-0-inches from the bottom CT, in the cabinet, to the floor.
For 3/8@ (9.5 mm) Nominal Maximum Aggregate Size mixtures, the specified VFA range shall be 73.0% to 76.0% and for 4.75 mm Nominal Maximum Size mixtures, the range shall be 75 % to 78% for design traffic levels $3 million ESALs.Gradation Control Points: The combined aggregates shall conform to the gradation requirement specified in the following table when tested according to T-11 and T-27.
Maximum Size of Wall Sign: Maximum of 5% of wall area where sign is affixed, not to exceed 200 square feet of sign/copy area.