Examples of Minimum Size in a sentence
Minimum Size of GroupThe Group must have normally employed more than twenty (20) employees on a typical business day during the preceding Calendar Year.
Throughout the year, SDG&E continued to leverage marketing and outreach campaigns to increase awareness of available support solutions to individuals with AFN via web, social media, in-person events, and cross-departmental opportunities.
To be eligible for inclusion in a Market Investable Equity Universe, a security must have a free float-adjusted market capitalization equal to or higher than 50% of the Equity Universe Minimum Size Requirement.
Minimum Size Space: Bicycle parking shall be on a two (2) feet by six (6) feet minimum.
In this case, the Market Size-Segment Cutoff is set at this lower bound of 0.5 times the Global Minimum Size Reference instead of the size of the smallest company.