medical food means a food that is intended for the dietary treatment of a disease or condition for which nutritional requirements are established by medical evaluation and is formulated to be consumed or administered enterally under the direction of a Practitioner.
Medical Foods means nutritional substances in any form that are:
Medical physicist means a person trained in evaluating the performance of mammography equipment and facility quality assurance programs and who meets the qualifications for a medical physicist set forth in 41.6(3)“c.”
medical practitioner means a person who holds a valid registration from the Medical Council of any State or Medical Council of India or Council for Indian Medicine or for Homeopathy set up by the Government of India or a State Government and is thereby entitled to practice medicine within its jurisdiction; and is acting within its scope and jurisdiction of license. The registered practitioner should not be the insured or close Family members.
Medical history means information regarding any:
Medical personnel means those persons assigned, by a Party to the conflict, exclusively to the medical purposes enumerated under sub-paragraph (e) or to the administration of medical units or to the operation or administration of medical transports. Such assignments may be either permanent or temporary. The term includes:
Medical facility means any physician, laboratory, clinic, hospital, or other similar entity.
Hospice patient s family" means a hospice patient's immediate family members, including a spouse, brother, sister, child, or parent, and any other relative or individual who has significant personal ties to the patient and who is designated as a member of the patient's family by mutual agreement of the patient, the relative or individual, and the patient's interdisciplinary team.
Medical event means an improper administration of radiation or radioactive material to a patient or human research subject that requires reporting to the department.
Specialist medical practitioner means a specialist as defined in section 3 of the Health Insurance Act 1973.
Medical cannabis pharmacy means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.
Medical management technique means a practice which is used to control the cost or utilization of health care services or prescription drug use. The term includes, without limitation, the use of step therapy, prior authorization or categorizing drugs and devices based on cost, type or method of administration.
Qualified Medical Practitioner means any person legally authorized by the Government with jurisdiction in the geographical area of his or her practice to render medical or surgical service, but excluding a qualified medical practitioner who is the Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member of the Insured Person.
Licensed Medical Practitioner means a person who is licensed, certified, and/or registered, in accordance with applicable Federal, State, local, or foreign laws and regulations, to prescribe controlled substances and other drugs.
Medical home means a team approach to providing health care that originates in a primary care setting; fosters a partnership among the patient, the personal provider, other health care professionals, and where appropriate, the patient’s family; utilizes the partnership to access all medical and nonmedical health-related services needed by the patient and the patient’s family to achieve maximum health potential; maintains a centralized, comprehensive record of all health-related services to promote continuity of care; and has all of the characteristics specified in Iowa Code section 135.158.
Medical cannabis means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.
Medical cannabis card means the same as that term is defined in Section 26-61a-102.
Interscholastic Activities means athletic or non-athletic/academic activities where students compete on a school vs. school basis.
Intrascholastic Activities means athletic or non-athletic/academic activities where students compete with students from within the same school.
Graduate medical education and disproportionate share fund or “GME/DSH fund” means a reimbursement fund developed as an adjunct reimbursement methodology to directly reimburse qualifying hospitals for the direct and indirect costs associated with the operation of graduate medical education programs and the costs associated with the treatment of a disproportionate share of poor, indigent, nonreimbursed or nominally reimbursed patients for inpatient services.
Orthodontic means a type of specialist dental treatment carried out by an orthodontist that diagnoses, prevents and corrects mispositioned teeth and jaws and misaligned bite patterns.
School-Sponsored Activity means any activity conducted on or off school property (including school buses and other school-related vehicles) that is sponsored, recognized or authorized by the Board of Education.
Authorized medical physicist means an individual who:
general medical practitioner means a general practitioner as defined in section 3 of the Health Insurance Act 1973.
Clinic means a health facility providing health care services to individuals associated with a college or university.
Drug therapy management means the review of a drug therapy regimen of a patient by one or more pharmacists for the purpose of evaluating and rendering advice to one or more practitioners regarding adjustment of the regimen.