Members of a household definition
Examples of Members of a household in a sentence
Members of a household shall be included on a sin- gle application and be provided one temporary housing residence unless it is determined by the Regional Admin- istrator that the size of the household requires that more than one residence be provided.
General points to note:• Members of a household need not be related by blood or marriage.• To be included in the household an individual must sleep at the address when s/he is in residence: anyone who sleeps at one address but has all their meals elsewhere must therefore be included at the address where they sleep.• Some potential new entrants might have more than one residence.
Members of a household of low-income families as defined by the Social Support Law.
Members of a household are not permitted to receive more than one Lifeline Program-supported service.
Members of a household may operate as one Company distributorship, but may not become separate Company distributors.
Members of a household shall be included on a sin- gle application and be provided one temporary housing residence unless it is determined by the Regional Director that the size of the household requires that more than one residence be pro- vided.
Members of a household produce food for their own consumption, practice herd diversification, and make use of the spatial diversity of their ecology to ensure survivability.
Members of a household are not necessarily related to each other either by blood or marriage.
Members of a household are not necessarily related by blood or marriage.
Members of a household, who are over 15 years of age, are asked about trips they made in the last three months for the purpose of spending leisure time and recreation or a business trip out of their usual environment (permanent or temporary residence, workplace, school, etc.).