Membership Council definition
Examples of Membership Council in a sentence
Members of other Junior Leagues intending to reside in the JLL service area for a period of more than two JLL fiscal years shall be encouraged to join the JLL rather than continuing to request the Inter-League privilege; however, extenuating circumstances shall be considered by the Membership Council.
New Members who are unable to meet the requirements of their course may be granted an extension by the Membership Council in order to complete such requirements.
One (1) representative from each library in the NEO-RLS region will collectively constitute the Membership Council.
New Members are those members who are engaged in a training programme developed by the Membership Council that explains the Mission of the JLL, provides information about the needs of the London community and the JLL’s community focus, and prepares them for active membership in the Junior League.
Notice of any such recommendation will be given to the Membership Council at least thirty (30) days in advance.