Examples of Method 21 in a sentence
If required, Method 21 may be used during inspections of the facility.
If required, the detection of leaks of natural gas into the ambient air from the pneumatic controller(s) may be determined using Method 21 from 40 CFR 60 Appendix A; however, compliance is demonstrated through maintaining the manufacturer’s design specifications, showing that the controller is designed to operate with a bleed rate less than 6 scf/hr.
Requirements in the existing subparts that are specific to the Method 21 instrument do not apply under this section.
Monitoring shall comply with Method 21 of appen- dix A of 40 CFR part 60, except as oth- erwise provided in this section.
Sub- mit the records of the annual Method 21 screening required in paragraph (f)(7) of this section to the Administrator via e-mail to CCG-AWP@EPA.GOV.[65 FR 78285, Dec.
Submit the records of the annual Method 21 screening required in paragraph (h)(7) of this section to the Administrator via e-mail to CCG-AWP@EPA.GOV.
An owner or operator may use an optical gas imaging instrument instead of a 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A–7, Method 21 monitor.
Any emissions detected by the infrared laser beam illuminated instrument is a leak unless screened with Method 21 monitoring, in which case 10,000 ppm or greater is designated a leak.
Paragraphs (c), (d), and (e) of this section apply to all equipment for which the applicable subpart requires monitoring with a 40 CFR part 60, appendix A-7, Method 21 monitor, except for closed vent systems, equipment designated as leakless, and equipment identified in the applicable subpart as having no detectable emissions, as indicated by an instrument reading of less than 500 ppm above background.
An owner or operator may use an optical gas imaging instrument instead of a 40 CFR part 60, sppendix A-7, Method 21 monitor.