Millage levied definition

Millage levied means the millage levied for special education pursuant to part 30 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1711 to 380.1743, including a levy for debt service obligations.
Millage levied means the millage levied for area vocational-technical education pursuant to sections 681 to 690 of the revised school code, MCL 380.681 to 380.690, including a levy for debt service obligations incurred as the result of borrowing for capital outlay projects and in meeting capital projects fund requirements of area vocational-technical education.
Millage levied means the millage levied for special education under part 30 of the revised school code, MCL 380.1711 to 380.1741, including a levy for debt service obligations.

Examples of Millage levied in a sentence

  • Millage levied pursuant to this subsection is subject to the provisions of s.200.065 and, combined with the 1.5 mills authorized in subsection (2), may not exceed 1.75 mills.

  • There shall be an additional millage to be known as the Prior Period Funding Adjustment Millage levied by a school district if the prior period unrealized required local effort funds are greater than zero.

  • Millage levied under this section must be approved by the school electors.

  • Millage levied by a MSTU applies against the ten (10) mill cap of each municipality and unincorporated area.

  • The General Operating Millage Rate levied by the County for 2014 shall be 4.5685 mills, the voted Veterans Millage levied by the County for 2014 shall be 0.04 mill, and the Drain Debt Millage levied by the County for 2014 shall be .0050 mill.

  • The Library authorizes the Treasurer of the City of Ferndale to capture the Amount of Capture from the Library's 2021 Library Millage (levied in July 2021) and 2022 Library Millage (levied in July 2022) and disburse the Amount of Capture to the DDA pursuant to the terms of this Agreement.

  • Berry Medical Care Facility shall not be greater that 0.0500 mills as authorized by PA 280 of 1939, the voted Veterans Millage to be levied by the County on December 1, 2021, to support the FY 2022 budget shall be 0.0667 mill, and the Drain Debt Millage levied by the County in December of previous years to fund the following year’s drain debt service requirements will not be levied on December 1, 2021 due to the availability of restricted funds in the debt service fund.

  • Millage levied pursuant to this subsection is subject to the provisions of s.

  • For the purpose of this paragraph, there shall be a Prior Period Funding Adjustment Millage levied for each year certified by the Department of Revenue pursuant to sub‐subparagraph (a)2.a. since the previous year certification and for which the calculation in sub‐subparagraph 2.b. is greater than zero.

  • Millage levied by the county council for the support of the county public library system shall apply to all persons and corporations subject to school taxes.(Ord.

More Definitions of Millage levied

Millage levied means the millage levied for area vocational-technical education pursuant to sections 681 to 690 of the revised school code, MCL 380.681 to 380.690, including a levy for debt service obligations incurred as the result of borrowing for capital
Millage levied means the millage levied for area vocational-technical
Millage levied means the millage levied for special education pursuant to
Millage levied means the millage levied for area
Millage levied means the millage levied for area vocational‑technical education pursuant to sections 681 to 690 of the revised school code, MCL 380.681 to 380.690, including a levy for debt service obligations incurred as the result of borrowing for capital outlay projects and in meeting capital projects fund requirements of area vocational‑technical education.
Millage levied means the millage levied for special

Related to Millage levied

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