Native definition

Native means any wildlife species naturally occurring in Washington for purposes of breeding, resting, or foraging, excluding introduced species not found historically in this state.
Native means a plant or animal species whose geographic range during precolonial time included the Piedmont of Maryland. Information on native plants can be found in Woody Plant of Maryland (Brown and Brown, 1972) and Herbaceous Plants of Maryland (Brown and Brown, 1984), as well as other literature sources.
Native means indigenous to the waters of this state.

Examples of Native in a sentence

  • Such studies identified a number of historic properties, including, without limitation, various Native Hawaiian human burial sites and skeletal remains located within, or in the immediate vicinity of or close proximity to, the Land boundaries.

  • Application requirements, award terms, and conditions do not impose civil rights and nondiscrimination law compliance requirements on Indian Tribes or Native Entities beyond what would otherwise apply under federal law.

  • Burial sites, human remains, and funerary objects are subject to the requirements of all applicable federal, tribal, state, and local laws and protocols, such as the Native American Xxxxxx Protection and Repatriation Act (NAGPRA), in addition to Section 106 of the NHPA.

  • An underutilized disadvantaged business enterprise (UDBE) is a certified DBE firm that is recognized as being in one or more of the following DBE categories: Black American, Asian-Pacific American, Native American, or Women.

More Definitions of Native

Native means indigenous to Oregon and not introduced.
Native means indigenous and occurring or having occurred naturally within the boundaries of this state regardless of whether a particular specimen originates outside of this state.
Native means a plant species which is a component of the original flora of North America.
Native means indigenous to Oregon, not introduced.
Native means trees and plants native to western Washington.
Native means a citizen of the United States who is a person of one- fourth degree or more Alaskan Indian (including Tsimshian Indians not en­ rolled in the Metlakatla Indian Commu­ nity), Eskimo, or Aleut blood, or com­ bination thereof. The term includes any Native as so defined either or both of whose adoptive parents are not Natives. I t also includes, in the absence of proof of a minimum blood quantum, any citi­ zen of the United States who is regarded as an Alaska Native by the Native village or Native group of which he claims to be a member and whose father or mother is (or, if deceased, was) regarded as Native by any village or group.
Native means having populated Washington's for- ested lands prior to European settlement.