Misuse of Drugs Regulations definition

Misuse of Drugs Regulations means the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 20018;17
Misuse of Drugs Regulations means the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 20015;»;
Misuse of Drugs Regulations means the Misuse of Drugs Regulations (Application) Order 20026

Examples of Misuse of Drugs Regulations in a sentence

  • Controlled drugs are prescription medicines that are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and subsequent amendments, such as morphine or methadone.A pupil who has been prescribed a controlled drug may have it in their possession if they are competent to do so, but they must not pass it to another pupil to use.

  • Controlled drugs are prescription medicines that are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and subsequent amendments, such as morphine or methadone.

  • Controlled drugs are prescription medicines that are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and subsequent amendments, such as morphine or methadone.A student who has been prescribed a controlled drug may have it in their possession if they are competent to do so, but they must not pass it to another student to use.

  • The Misuse of Drugs Regulations apply only to England, Wales and Scotland; the Misuse of Drugs (Northern Ireland) Regulations 2002 will need to be amended separately and this will be undertaken by the Department of Health in Northern Ireland.

  • Controlled drugs are prescription medicines that are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and subsequent amendments, such as morphine or methadone.All controlled drugs are kept in a secure cupboard in the school office and only named staff have access.Controlled drugs will be easily accessible in an emergency and a record of any doses used and the amount held will be kept.

  • Methylphenidate is a medicine governed by the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and must be stored and recorded as detailed below: 5.1.1 Storage of MethylphenidateMethylphenidate must be kept in a locked cabinet at all times.

  • Controlled drugs are prescription medicines that are controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2001 and subsequent amendments, such as morphine or methadone.A Student who has been prescribed a controlled drug may have it in their possession if they are competent to do so, but they must not pass it to another Student to use.

  • The producer shall be subject to the provisions of the Eligibility Requirements (Rule 14.A.2.e.).

  • Wholesale distributors who submit an application for a controlled drug licence will be inspected by the HPRA for compliance with the requirements of the licence/registration and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2017 to ensure adequate controls are in place to maintain the security, reconciliation and accountability of those products.

  • The Medicinal Products (Prescription and Control of Supply) (Amendment) Regulations, 2007 (Statutory Instruments, (S.I.) No. 201 of 2007) and the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 2017 (S.I. No. 173 of 2017) (this revokes the 2007 Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) Regulations) specify the legislative requirements/conditions for prescribing of medicinal products by nurses and midwives.

More Definitions of Misuse of Drugs Regulations

Misuse of Drugs Regulations means the Misuse of Drugs Regulations 20018;13 “NHS services” means services provided as part of the health service continued

Related to Misuse of Drugs Regulations

  • SEBI Regulations means the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 together with the circulars issued thereunder, including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment(s) thereof for the time being in force.

  • Loss Absorption Regulations means, at any time, the laws, regulations, requirements, guidelines, rules, standards and policies relating to minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities and/or loss absorbing capacity instruments of the United Kingdom, the PRA, the United Kingdom resolution authority, the Financial Stability Board and/or of the European Parliament or of the Council of the European Union then in effect in the United Kingdom including, without limitation to the generality of the foregoing, any delegated or implementing acts (such as regulatory technical standards) adopted by the European Commission and any regulations, requirements, guidelines, rules, standards and policies relating to minimum requirements for own funds and eligible liabilities and/or loss absorbing capacity instruments adopted by the PRA and/or the United Kingdom resolution authority from time to time (whether or not such regulations, requirements, guidelines, rules, standards or policies are applied generally or specifically to the Company or to the Regulatory Group).

  • CFTC Regulations means the rules and regulations promulgated by the CFTC, as amended.

  • UCITS Regulations means the European Communities (Undertakings for Collective

  • PPPFA Regulations means the Preferential Procurement Regulations, 2017 published in terms of the PPPFA.

  • the 1997 Regulations means the Zebra, Pelican and Puffin Pedestrian Crossing Regulations 1997.

  • TRADES Regulations means the regulations of the United States Department of the Treasury, published at 31 C.F.R. Part 357, as amended from time to time. Unless otherwise defined herein, all terms defined in the TRADES Regulations are used herein as therein defined.

  • EP Regulations means The Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations SI 2016 No.1154 and words and expressions used in this permit which are also used in the Regulations have the same meanings as in those Regulations.

  • the 2000 Regulations means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2000(b); "the 2001 Regulations" means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001(c);

  • OFAC Regulations means the regulations promulgated by OFAC, as amended from time to time.

  • the 2002 Regulations means the Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2002;

  • Privacy Regulations means the Privacy and Electronic Communications (EC Directive) Regulations 2003 as amended in 2004, 2011, 2015 and 2016 and as may be further amended from time to time;

  • ISA Regulations means The Individual Savings Account Regulations 1998, as amended or replaced from time to time.

  • HIPAA Regulations means the regulations promulgated under HIPAA by the United States Department of Health and Human Services, including, but not limited to, 45 C.F.R. Part 160 and 45 C.F.R. Part 164.

  • the 2007 Regulations means the Civil Enforcement of Parking Contraventions (England) General Regulations 2007;

  • Procurement Regulations means, for purposes of paragraph 85 of the Appendix to the General Conditions, the “World Bank Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers”, dated November 2020.

  • SEBI ICDR Regulations means Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Capital and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2018, as amended;

  • Data Protection Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 20161 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation);

  • CDM Regulations means the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2015.

  • Central Bank UCITS Regulations means the Central Bank (Supervision and Enforcement)

  • OHS Regulation means the Workers Compensation Act (British Columbia), including without limitation, the Occupational Health & Safety Regulation (BC Regulation 296/97, as amended by BC Regulation 185/99) enacted pursuant to such Act, all as such Act or Regulations are amended or re-enacted from time to time.

  • the 2001 Regulations means the Water Supply (Water Quality) Regulations 2001[63];

  • SEBI LODR Regulations means the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 as amended from time to time.

  • the 2012 Regulations means the Council Tax Reduction Schemes (Prescribed Requirements) (England) Regulations 2012;

  • EEA Regulations means the Immigration (European Economic Area) Regulations 2006.

  • the 2010 Regulations means the Occupational and Personal Pension Schemes (Automatic Enrolment) Regulations 2010;