Mitigation definition
Examples of Mitigation in a sentence
Future noise levels with and without the project will then be identified for off-site locations to determine whether a significant impact would occur Mitigation measures will be recommended as needed to mitigate the impacts of the project.
Mitigation measures necessary to reduce or avoid any potential project-generated impacts to air quality will be identified and their performance quantified based on methodologies available from the SCAQMD and other sources.
DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY / FEDERAL EMEGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY FEMA Signatory Date Name Title Program Name FEMA February 11, 2025 Recipient Signatory Name Title Full Entity Name Date Hazard Mitigation, Disaster Public Assistance, and Disaster Loan Programs , Routine use specific data elements in the FEMA PII dataset(s) that will be shared by FEMA with the Fort Bend County, TX .