Mitigation Costs definition
Examples of Mitigation Costs in a sentence
For the purposes of this Term of Cover Claim shall include Mitigation Costs and any payment sought by the Insured pursuant to the cover provided in Terms of Cover 1.5,1.6 and 1.7.
Lessee shall reimburse Lessor through Basic Rent or Renewal Rent payments for Community Impact Mitigation Costs incurred by or on behalf of Lessor after the Lease Effective Date.
Emma Whitford, COVID-19 Mitigation Costs Still Add Up After Students Sent Home, Inside Higher Ed (Oct.
The Total Nexus Costs, or Mitigation Costs, indicated above, may also be expressed on a per square foot level.
The results per unit are: Total Nexus Cost Per Market Rate Unit, Ownership Prototypes Income CategoryAffordability Gap Total Nexus Cost Per Market Rate Unit, Rental Prototypes Income CategoryAffordability GapThe Total Nexus Costs, or Mitigation Costs, indicated above, may also be expressed on a per square foot level.