demolition work means a method to dismantle, wreck, break, pull down or knock down of a structure or part thereof by way of manual labour, machinery, or the use of explosives;
Excavation work means the making of any man-made cavity, trench, pit or depression formed by cutting, digging or scooping;
Remedial Work has the meaning assigned such term in Section 8.10(a).
Mitigation means balancing measures that are designed, implemented and function to restore natural functions and values that are otherwise lost through development and human activities.
Demolition works means any physical activity to tear down or break up a structure (or part thereof) or surface, or the like, and includes the loading of demolition waste and the unloading of plant or machinery.
Construction Work means any work in connection with⎯
Tenant Improvement Work means the construction of the Tenant Improvements, together with any related work (including demolition) that is necessary to construct the Tenant Improvements.
Mitigation plan means a proposal that includes the process or means to achieve carbon dioxide mitigation through use of mitigation projects or carbon credits.
Extra Work means any work which is determined by City to be necessary for the proper completion of the Project, but which the Parties did not reasonably anticipate would be necessary at the execution of this Agreement. Consultant shall not perform, nor be compensated for, Extra Work without written authorization from City’s Representative.
Project Work means the work required to complete the Project.
Shift Work is defined as the same work performed by two or more employees or two or more successive sets or groups of employees working successive periods.
Remediation waste means all solid and hazardous wastes, and all media (including groundwater, surface water, soils, and sediments) and debris that are managed for implementing cleanup.
Installation Work means the construction and installation of the System and the Start-up, testing and acceptance (but not the operation and maintenance) thereof; all performed by or for the Power Producer at the Premises.
Urgent Work means any urgent measures which in the opinion of Engineer-in-charge become necessary during the progress of the work to obviate any risk of accident or failure or disruption of generation which become necessary for security.
Construction Activities means the disturbance of soils associated with clearing, grading, excavation activities or other construction-related activities.
Remediation Costs means the cost of any action taken to reduce the concentration of contaminants on, in or under the Eligible Property to permit a record of site condition to be filed in the Environmental Site Registry under section 168.4 of the Environmental Protection Act and the cost of complying with any certificate of property use issued under section 168.6 of the Environmental Protection Act, as further specified in the CIP.
Remediation means any response, remedial, removal, or corrective action, any activity to cleanup, detoxify, decontaminate, contain or otherwise remediate any Hazardous Materials, Regulated Substances or USTs, any actions to prevent, cure or mitigate any Release, any action to comply with any Environmental Laws or with any permits issued pursuant thereto, any inspection, investigation, study, monitoring, assessment, audit, sampling and testing, laboratory or other analysis, or any evaluation relating to any Hazardous Materials, Regulated Substances or USTs.
Construction Works means all works and things necessary to complete the Project in accordance with this Agreement;
Hot Work means work involving electric or gas welding, cutting, brazing, or similar flame or spark-producing operations.
Contract Work means everything required to be furnished and done by the Contractor by any one or more of the parts of the Contract referred to in Article 1, except Extra Work as hereinafter defined.
Tenant Improvements Defined in Exhibit B, if any.
Demolition waste means that solid waste which is produced by the destruction of structures and their foundations and includes the same materials as construction wastes.
Mitigate means to reduce or alleviate the impact of OCI to an acceptable level of risk so that the Government’s interest with regard to fair competition and/or contract performance is not prejudiced.
Cleanup costs means expenses (including but not limited to legal and professional fees) incurred in testing for, monitoring, cleaning up, removing, containing, treating, neutralizing, detoxifying or assessing the effects of Pollutants.
Hazardous Materials Activities shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.20(b).
Development Work means all work and services necessary or desirable in connection