Examples of Mixed Load in a sentence
Of particular note, Master Labels, and Mixed Load Labels will be affixed to secondary containers in such a manner that when the pack is broken apart, the label is discarded or destroyed (e.g., hang Mixed Load Label from the banding or attach to stretch wrap).• In order to ensure label accuracy, it is expected that the Supplier verify (electronically or manually) all labeling to ensure that the label matches the purchase order (or release).
Mixed Load Label Sample & Placement (Not to scale) ** If the size of your standard shipping package or individual containers cannot accommodate a standard 4 x 6 label, please contact VendorLabelReview@ConMet.com for further instructions.
See the sample below in section 5.6. When release quantities require cartons of mixed material on one pallet, a special "Mixed Load" label and a “Master Label” for each part number and affixed on the outside of the shrink wrap must be used in addition to being labeled per Adient Labeling Specifications.
Mixed Load Identifier: A Label used to identify mixed part numbers in a multiple pack or pallet.
When release quantities require cartons of mixed material on one pallet, a special "Mixed Load" label must to be used in addition to being labeled per Johnson Controls Labeling Specifications.