Municipal Committee definition
Examples of Municipal Committee in a sentence
If trenching or inciterating is not allowed, the contractors shall make arrangement for the removal of the excreta through the Municipal Committee authority and inform it about the number of labourers employed so that arrangements may be made by such committee/authority for the removal of the excreta.
If trenching or incineration is not allowed the contractor(s) shall make arrangements for the removal of the excreta through the Municipal Committee / Authority and inform it about the number of labourers employed so that arrangements may be made by such Committee / Authority for the removal of the excreta.
The Property is not included in or affected by any of the schemes of Central/State Government or of the improvement trust or any other public body or local authority or by any alignment, widening or construction of road under any scheme of the Central/State Government or of any Corporation, Municipal Committee, Gram Panchayat etc.
Municipal Committee or Corporation CONTRACT AGREEMENT(See Clause 6) This agreement made this day of 2020 BETWEEN THE GOVERNOR OF THE PUNJAB (hereinafter called the Government) as represented by the Chief Officer Municipal Committee on the one part and(hereinafter called the contractor) on the other part.
The work shall be carried out in a manner complying in all respects with the requirements of relevant byelaws of the Municipal Committee / Municipal Corporation / Development Authority / Improvement Trust under the jurisdiction of which the work is to be executed or as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.11.
This school should not fall within the limits of any Municipal Committee, notified area or a Cantonment Board.
Officials (Circle Officer/ Sub Divisional Officer/ Municipal Committee/ Municipal Corporation).
Section 16 of the said Act gave power to the State Government to remove any member of the Municipal Committee.
Even, according to the appellant(s), AMC(s) is neither a Municipal Committee nor a District Board nor a Municipal Committee nor a panchayat.
In order to streamline and integrate the process of development outside Municipal Committee/ Corporation limits, the provision of external development services needs to be simultaneously taken up for which following steps are proposed.