Examples of Musical Works in a sentence
Unless defined herein or otherwise agreed by the parties, the definition(s) of excluded Musical Works with respect to each of the repertoires listed below is as published on the CISAC website from time to time.
The Sub-lessee acknowledges that should he hereunder engage in public music performance pursuant to Act No. 121/2000 Sb. on Copyright and Rights Related to Copyright and on Amendment to Certain Acts (the Copyright Act), he is obliged to inform the pertinent collective administrator (Copyright Protection Association for Musical Works – OSA) about the programme of this event pursuant to relevant provisions of the Copyright Act.
The Licensed Rights are limited to non-dramatic performances of the Musical Works in the ASCAP Repertory.
Nothing in this License Agreement shall be construed to grant to Licensee, or any third party, any right to reproduce, copy or distribute by any means, method or process whatsoever, any Musical Works (or any part thereof) that are included in the ASCAP Repertory licensed under this License Agreement.
The third part is then dedicated to revealing relationships between two or more variables in space.