National consensus standards definition

National consensus standards means any occupational safety or health standard adopted under a consensus method by a nationally recognized standards-producing organization; and
National consensus standards means any
National consensus standards means any performance standard for storage tanks, or a modification thereof, that:

Examples of National consensus standards in a sentence

  • National consensus standards may be used provided they are equal to or more stringent than Federal legal standards.

  • National consensus standards shall not solely be relied on to mandate specific abatement methods.EXAMPLE 4-21: An ANSI standard addresses the hazard of exposure to hydrogen sulfide gas and refers to various abatement methods, such as the prevention of the buildup of materials that create the gas and the provision of ventilation.

  • National consensus standards reflect the opinions of the professionals who work at all levels of the public and private sectors in technology development, manufacturing, training, financial analysis, personnel, academia as well as insight from the final end user.

  • Policy Implementation ASSP advocates initiatives to encourage the utilization of national consensus standards as an effective/efficient option for meeting the demand of increased regulation/legislation in occupational safety and health since: • National consensus standards have fewer procedural burdens • The consensus method provides for a balance between competing interests • The voluntary nature of consensus standards enables users to adapt provisions to meet unusual circumstances.

  • National consensus standards are used to the maximum extent possible in DOE directives to optimize resources and cost savings in contracting.

  • The pressure and vacuum relief valves on storage vessels and tank trucks or trailers are set to release at no less than 0.7 psig of pressure or 0.3 psig of vacuum of the highest allowable pressure and vacuum as specified in State or local fire codes, the National Fire Prevention Association guidelines or other National consensus standards acceptable to the Department.

  • National consensus standards for nursing-sensitive care: an initial performance measure set.

  • Apollin Fotso Kuate, Holger Kirscht, Peter Kulakow, and Abebe Menkir.

  • National consensus standards would definitely benefit by greater federal budget and personnel involvement.

  • All of the TPA board members in place in 2015 and 2016 were interviewed in this inquiry, other than Councillor Mammoliti.There was a general awareness on the TPA Board that the flagpole project was of special concern to Councillor Mammoliti.

Related to National consensus standards

  • PCI Standards means the applicable Data Security Standards published by the PCI Security Standards Council.

  • Service Level Standards has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 2.1 hereof.

  • National Standards means the document entitled “National Standards for the Volatile Organic Compound Content of Canadian Commercial/Industrial Surface Coating Products Automotive Refinishing, October 1998, PN 1288" and published by the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment;

  • NYSRC Reliability Rules means the rules applicable to the operation of the New York Transmission System. These rules are based on Reliability Standards adopted by NERC and NPCC, but also include more specific and more stringent rules to reflect the particular requirements of the New York Transmission System.

  • NERC Reliability Standards means the most recent version of those reliability standards applicable to the Generating Facility, or to the Generator Owner or the Generator Operator with respect to the Generating Facility, that are adopted by the NERC and approved by the applicable regulatory authorities, which are available at xxxx://, or any successor thereto.

  • National Ambient Air Quality Standards or “NAAQS” means national ambient air quality standards that are promulgated pursuant to Section 109 of the Act, 42 U.S.C. § 7409.

  • Pretreatment standards means any standards of performance or other requirements imposed by

  • Standards Board means the Professional Standards Board established pursuant to 14 Del.C. §1201.

  • Technical Standards means the technical standards set out in paragraph 2.4 of the Order Form;

  • Benchmarks Regulation means Regulation (EU) 2016/1011 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 8 June 2016 on indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts or to measure the performance of investment funds and amending Directives 2008/48/EC and 2014/17/EU and Regulation (EU) No 596/2014;

  • M&A Rules means the Provisions on Merging and Acquiring Domestic Enterprises by Foreign Investors, which was promulgated by six Governmental Agencies, namely, the Ministry of Commerce, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, the State Administration for Taxation, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (the “CSRC”), and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange, on August 8, 2006 and became effective on September 8, 2006, as amended by the Ministry of Commerce on June 22, 2009.

  • Common Reporting Standard (CRS) means the Standard for Automatic Exchange of Financial Account Information (“AEOFAI”) in Tax Matters and was developed in response to the G20 request and approved by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Council on 15 July 2014, calls on jurisdictions to obtain information from their financial institutions and automatically exchange that information with other jurisdictions on an annual basis. It sets out the financial account information to be exchanged, the financial institutions required to report, the different types of accounts and taxpayers covered, as well as common due diligence procedures to be followed by financial institutions.

  • National Commissioner means the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service, appointed by the President under section 207(1) of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, 1996;

  • FCA Rules means the Rules included within the FCA Handbook issued by the FCA.

  • HIPAA Rules means the Privacy, Security, Breach Notification, and Enforcement Rules at 45 CFR Part 160 and Part 164.

  • International Financial Reporting Standards means the accounting standards and interpretations adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board.

  • International Accounting Standards means the accounting standards approved by the International Accounting Standards Board from time to time.

  • National Contingency Plan or “NCP” shall mean the National Oil and Hazardous Substances Pollution Contingency Plan promulgated pursuant to Section 105 of CERCLA, 42 U.S.C. § 9605, codified at 40 C.F.R. Part 300, and any amendments thereto.

  • Minimum Standards means standards of practice that interpret the legal definition of nursing as well as provide criteria against which violations of the law can be determined.

  • Reliability Standards means the criteria, standards, rules and requirements relating to reliability established by a Standards Authority.

  • auditing standards means auditing standards as defined in National Instrument 52-107 Acceptable Accounting Principles and Auditing Standards;

  • Locational Deliverability Area Reliability Requirement means the projected internal capacity in the Locational Deliverability Area plus the Capacity Emergency Transfer Objective for the Delivery Year, as determined by the Office of the Interconnection in connection with preparation of the Regional Transmission Expansion Plan, less the minimum internal resources required for all FRR Entities in such Locational Deliverability Area.

  • Environmental Standards means regulations or certification specifications governing designs with regard to noise characteristics, fuel venting, and exhaust emissions of civil aeronautical products and articles.

  • Applicable Standards means the requirements and guidelines of NERC, the Applicable Regional Entity, and the Control Area in which the Customer Facility is electrically located; the PJM Manuals; and Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards.

  • Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards means those certain technical requirements and standards applicable to interconnections of generation and/or transmission facilities with the facilities of an Interconnected Transmission Owner or, as the case may be and to the extent applicable, of an Electric Distributor, as published by Transmission Provider in a PJM Manual provided, however, that, with respect to any generation facilities with maximum generating capacity of 2 MW or less (synchronous) or 5 MW or less (inverter-based) for which the Interconnection Customer executes a Construction Service Agreement or Interconnection Service Agreement on or after March 19, 2005, “Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards” shall refer to the “PJM Small Generator Interconnection Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards.” All Applicable Technical Requirements and Standards shall be publicly available through postings on Transmission Provider’s internet website.

  • Railway Group Standards means standards authorised pursuant to