Examples of NAV in a sentence
The parties acknowledge the calculation of the intraday “floating” Net Asset Values are subject to the Fund’s policies on as of transactions, NAV error correction, and such other policies that may impact the calculation of a Fund’s Net Asset Value.
The Fund may also absorb Gains or Losses resulting from adjustments to transactions caused by a pricing error in a Fund or outside fund (when RPS corrects the number of shares in the Fund based on the Fund’s or outside fund’s corrected NAV).
A Loss (also referred to as dilution) results when a fund or, in the case of a multi-class fund, a class either (1) has paid excess redemption proceeds as a result of an overstated NAV or (2) has received insufficient subscription monies as a result of an understated NAV (in either case, transacting shareholders benefit from transacting at the misstated NAV, to the detriment of the fund or class).
A Net Benefit for a particular fund or, in the case of a multi-class fund, a class results when aggregate Benefits exceed aggregate Losses (i.e., net redemptions on a day the fund’s or class’s NAV is understated or net subscriptions on a day the fund’s or class’s NAV is overstated) during the Error Period.
An Error Period comprises those days during which the circumstances causing an NAV Error exist prior to correction.