NEB definition
Examples of NEB in a sentence
During this time period, Energy East provided the community with Project information, including notification of supplemental information filed with the NEB in September and December 2015.
During this time period, Energy East provided the community with Project information and notifications about Energy East’s NEB filings and regulatory processes.
The Company contributes amounts to the Trust Fund which are collected from shippers through abandonment surcharges as approved by the NEB.
On 28 August 2019, pursuant to the Canadian Energy Regulator Act, the National Energy Board (NEB) was replaced with the Canada Energy Regulator (CER).
File OF-Fac-Oil-T260-2013-03 031518 November 2019 Trans Mountain Pipeline ULC (Trans Mountain) Trans Mountain Expansion Project (TMEP)Notice of Trans Mountain’s Application for Right of Entry Canada Energy Regulator Information Letter On 19 May 2016, the National Energy Board (NEB or Board) issued its OH-001-2014 Report recommending that the Governor in Council (GIC) approve the TMEP, subject to 157 conditions (A77045).