Examples of Negotiations Committee in a sentence
These agreements may be varied from time to time following negotiations with the recognised trade unions through the Wales Negotiations Committee Further Education (WNCFE).
Section 9.3 The President, First Vice-President, Second Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Chairman of the Negotiations Committee, and the Chairman of the Board of Directors shall be allowed duty time to attend regularly scheduled Lodge meetings each month if his regular shift occurs during periods of time in which such meetings are held.
APA holders who have not completed twelve (12) months of their award may access unpaid parenting leave through the suspension provisions.
The Union specifically reserves the right to have a Staff Representative, Attorney, Accountant or other Consultant to serve as members of the Negotiations Committee.
The Union and the University have the right to select their own Negotiations Committee and to change committee members at will.
The Statewide Negotiations Committee shall represent MAPE during negotiations with the employer.
The names, classifications, and work locations of employees designated for the Negotiations Committee shall be provided to the Department of Management Services by September 1 of each year.
The Lodge specifically reserves the right to have the Lodge President, or designee, the Lodge Attorney, Accountants or Consultants selected by the Lodge, serve as members of the Negotiations Committee.
Use: Up to six (6) members of the Education Minnesota - OSSEO’s Negotiations Committee may be granted an appropriate number of days for purposes of collective bargaining with the School Board representative(s).
The duly elected bargaining unit members who serve on the Lodge's Negotiations Committee shall be approved to negotiate for the bargaining unit.