Examples of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles in a sentence
The purpose of the research was to determine positive and negative impacts that LSVs, which include Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) and Medium-Speed Electric Vehicles (MSEVs), are likely to have for the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Oregon communities.
The goal of this research was to determine positive and negative impacts that LSVs, which include Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) and Medium-Speed Electric Vehicles (MSEVs), are likely to have for the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) and Oregon communities.
The coefficient on Transfer·2nd is significant only for the Japanese groups in the intranational experiment.
Widespread use of City EVs or Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) also would increase the required number of EVs, because such vehicles earn fewer credits per vehicle than the full function EVs that are the basis of the 22,000 estimate.
Electric powered golf carts or Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV’s) may be used by the members on all Club pathways and roads.
The text of these codes may be viewed at: <http://www.dmv.ca.gov/pubs/vctop/vc/tocd11c1a5- 2.htm>.Project design includes designated Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) routes and facilities.
A schedule of deposits for violation of this Chapter is set forth in Chapter 2 of this Code.15.19 NEIGHBORHOOD ELECTRIC VEHICLES (1) Neighborhood Electric Vehicles PermittedPursuant to Wis.
The plan includes a total of 74.7 miles of on and off-street Class II bike lanes, trails and paseos consisting of: 27.6 miles of on-street Class II Village and community bicycle trails 22.3 Miles of Off-Street Trails 4.8 Miles of University / College Campus Center Trails 20 miles of Paseos Figure 4: Trails Plan The Cordova Hills project has been designed to support the use of Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEV) throughout the community’s road network.
If the request or order was filed prior to payment of the trust funds, a copy of the request or order must be delivered to the Cashier Section at the time the trust funds are paid.
Construct and maintain bikeways and multi-use trails to minimize conflicts between bicyclists, pedestrians, and motorists.Cordova Hills includes a wide array of transportation choices, including residential collectors and arterials for vehicles, a network designed to accept Neighborhood Electric Vehicles (NEVs) on all roadways with speed limits less than 35 miles per hour.