NEPOOL Tariff definition
Examples of NEPOOL Tariff in a sentence
On February 1, 2005, the ISO became the Regional Transmission Organization (“RTO”) for New England, with enhanced responsibilities as the transmission provider for New England and new governing documents (Transmission Operating Agreement, Participants Agreement, Market Participants Service Agreement, ISO New England Transmission, Markets and Services Tariff) in place of the existing governing documents (the Interim ISO Agreement, NEPOOL Tariff).
Docket No. ER02–1618–000]Take notice that on April 23, 2002, the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Participants Committee submitted the Eighty-Fourth Agreement Amending New England Power Pool Agreement (Eighty-Fourth Agreement), which proposes changes to the NEPOOL Tariff and the Restated NEPOOL Agreement to integrate the merchant transmission facility Cross Sound Cable project into the NEPOOL Tariff and to provide for operational control of the facility by the New England independent system operator.
Buyer acknowledges that CONVEX and the ISO may have the right to require reduced or increased generation from the Acquired Assets in accordance with the NEPOOL Tariff and applicable rules of NEPOOL and the ISO.
Docket No. ER03–291–000]Take notice that on December 18 , 2002, the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) Participants Committee submitted the Eighty-Eighth Agreement Amending New England Power Pool Agreement, which changes the formula in Scheduling 16 of the NEPOOL Open Access Transmission Tariff (the NEPOOL Tariff) for determining the compensation owners of eligible generators will receive for providing black-start related system restoration and planning services to NEPOOL pursuant to Schedule 16.
The NEPOOL Tariff administered by ISO-NE provides for Regional Network Service, Internal Point-to-Point Service, and Through and Out Service over Pool Transmission Facilities ("PTF").
The NU operating companies are members of NEPOOL, and have committed their PTF facilities to the control of ISO-NE, which administers the NEPOOL Tariff.
Docket No. ER03–1089–000]Take notice that on July 18, 2003, the New England Power Pool (NEPOOL) submitted the Ninety-Seventh Agreement Amending New England Power Pool Agreement, which NEPOOL states updates and corrects certain information in section 25D of the Restated NEPOOL Open Access Transmission Tariff (the NEPOOL Tariff) and in Attachments G and G–1 and the accompanying Addendum (collectively, Attachment G) of the NEPOOL Tariff.
The NEPOOL Tariff provides for Regional Network Service, Internal Point-to-Point Service, and Through and Out Service over Pool Transmission Facilities ("PTF").
Mr. O’Kelley sought post-conviction relief in New Mexico state court, which was ultimately denied, and the New Mexico Supreme Court denied certiorari on April 6, 2010.
ISO-NE also calculates the ATC for the posted interfaces under the NEPOOL Tariff, but not for those facilities covered under the local transmission tariffs (including non-PTF, HQ Phase I, HQ Phase II, Highgate, and MEPCO).Under the NERTO proposal, ISO-NE will continue to calculate ATC for the posted interfaces, and short-term values for TTC for the posted interfaces and for all of the inter-control area interfaces.