Examples of Net CONE in a sentence
Net CONE: The value representing the cost of new entry, net of energy and ancillary services revenues, utilized by the ISO in establishing the ICAP Demand Curves pursuant to Section 5 of the ISO Market Services Tariff.
For Capacity Supply Obligations acquired in the fourteenth Forward Capacity Auction and all Forward Capacity Auctions thereafter, NCCFCA$ = the Net CONE associated with the Forward Capacity Auction in which the Capacity Supply Obligation was awarded (adjusted as described in Section III.13.2.4).
The adjusted CONE and Net CONE values will be published on the ISO’s web site.
Prior to applying the annual adjustment for the Capacity Commitment Period beginning on June 1, 2019, Net CONE will be reduced by $0.43/kW-month to reflect the elimination of the PER adjustment.
The Office of the Interconnection shall submit a Buy Bid based on the quantity and location of capacity required to address the identified reliability violation at a Buy Bid price equal to 1.5 times Net CONE.
The Forward Capacity Auction Starting Price is max [1.6 multiplied by Net CONE, CONE].
CONE and Net CONE shall be recalculated using updated data coincident with the recalculation of Offer Review Trigger Prices pursuant to Section III.A.21.1.2. Whenever these values are recalculated, the ISO will review the results of the recalculation with stakeholders and the new values will be filed with the Commission prior to the Forward Capacity Auction in which the new value is to apply.
Between recalculations, CONE and Net CONE will be adjusted for each Forward Capacity Auction pursuant to Section III.A.21.1.2(e), except that the energy and ancillary services offset will be adjusted using publicly available data for Mass Hub On-Peak electricity futures through the commitment period of the FCA and will not be adjusted based on natural gas prices.
The Scarcity Pricing revenues so determined shall be subtracted from the Net CONE otherwise calculated for such CONE Area for use in the Base Residual Auction next occurring after the Delivery Year in which Scarcity Pricing was effective in such CONE Area.
PJM, 169 FERC ¶ 61,239 at P 2 (“[T]he default offer price floor for applicable new resources will be the Net Cost of New Entry (Net CONE) for their resource class; the default offer price floor for applicable existing resources will be the Net Avoidable Cost Rate (Net ACR) for their resource class.” (footnotes omitted)); id.