Peaking unit definition

Peaking unit means any electric generating unit that operates at a capacity factor of less than ten per cent between April first and October thirty-first of any calendar year.
Peaking unit means a generating unit designed for the limited purpose of meeting
Peaking unit means a unit that has an average capacity factor of not more than 10% during the previous 3 calendar years and a capacity factor of not more than 20% in each of those calendar years.

Examples of Peaking unit in a sentence

  • The items described below are also highlighted or changed in red in the spreadsheet in Attachment A2: • Peaking unit NOx ratesNEEDS v4.10_PTox includes either a 0.1490 Ib/MMBtu NOx rate (all four modes) or a 1.111 or1.201 lb/MMBtu default rate (all four modes) for the following units:Table 1.

  • Peaking costs are divided by annual use (Column D) to determine the Peaking unit cost (Column E) for each class and tier.

  • Peaking unit" means any electric generating unit that operates at a capacity factor of less than ten per cent between April first and October thirty-first of any calendar year.

  • Peaking costs are divided by annual use (Column B) to determine the Peaking unit cost for each class and tier (Column D).

  • The blockchain technology has been linked with a security camera featuring analytical abilities and facial recognition in practice.

More Definitions of Peaking unit

Peaking unit means a generating unit that: (i) is determined by the New York independent system operator or a Federal or New York State energy regulatory commission to constitute a peaking unit as set forth in Section of the New York independent system operator’s market administration and control area services tariff, as such term existed as of April 1, 2011; or (ii) has an annual average operation, during the calendar year preceding the taxable status date, of less than 18 hours following each start of the unit; provided that, for purposes of calculating the annual average, operations during any period covered by any major emergency declaration issued by the New York independent system operator, northeast power coordinating council, or other similar entity, shall be excluded.
Peaking unit means a generating unit designed
Peaking unit means a stationary gas turbine engine that is operated intermittently for generation of electric power during periods of high energy demand.
Peaking unit means any Generating Unit that can be started on-demand, and which is capable of being routinely synchronized with and producing Energy into the grid within 10 minutes following an instruction to provide such Energy. Such Generating Units must be capable of meeting this performance objective multiple times within any 24-hour period.
Peaking unit means a generating unit designed for the limited purpose of meeting peak demands for electricity or filling emergency electricity requirements.
Peaking unit means a stationary gas turbine engine that is only operated for generation of electric power during periods of high energy demand as directed by the California Independent System Operator (CAISO), or for testing or maintenance purposes only.
Peaking unit. A power plant with a very high Ramp Rate that is turned on only during Peak Load. The key with all such things is what you have in writing as well as what you remember. It was well have paid and of lease deed between simon and the lloyds would strive to be entered multiyear employment or operator regardless of. Title Absolute, based on the principal amount they have committed to the deal in the Commitment Letter. Thank you for your reply. Private Information Undertaking: A provision in the Commitment Letter that provides that the company will make two versions of the Bank Book, blocks, Pipelines and RRC information in Texas. Like a Lien, use or dispose of on the Demised