Examples of Net Subscription in a sentence
This charge will be deducted from your Subscription, reducing the amount of money invested in the Plan by this amount (the amount remaining is your Net Subscription).
The Plan Manager will use your Net Subscription to purchase the Securities to be held in the Plan.
In the event of the Counterparty or the Issuer becoming unable to meet its obligations to repay the amounts due, you may not receive the amounts your Plan has been designed to pay and you could lose some, or all, of your Net Subscription plus any investment return to which you would otherwise be entitled.
Where a dilution adjustment is made, it will increase the Price when the Fund is in a Net Subscription Position and decrease the Price when the Fund is in a Net Redemption Position.
If, for any reason, the Plan Manager is unable to purchase Securities to fulfil the commitments set out in the Brochure, your Net Subscription will be retained in your Account pending your further instruction on an alternative Meteor investment, return of Net Subscription or ISA transfer.
The Plan Manager will place your Net Subscription in the Deposit.
The terms on which the Plan Manager will place your Net Subscription in the Deposit for you will reflect certain charges, fees and expenses.
Your Plan will be debited as soon as the Plan Manager places your Net Subscription in the Deposit.
The dilution adjustment, if applied at the discretion of the directors, will involve adding to, when the Fund is in a Net Subscription Position, and deducting from, when the Fund is in a Net Redemption Position, the Net Asset Value per Share such figure as the Directors consider represents an appropriate figure to meet Duties and Charges and Spreads in order to preserve the value of underlying investments for Shareholders.
In the event of the Deposit Taker failing or becoming insolvent or being unable to meet its obligations to repay the amounts due you may not receive the amounts your Plan has been designed to pay and you could lose some, or all, of your Net Subscription.