New Improvements definition

New Improvements means new value from site improvements as well as from construction. Do not include any new improvement value that is not taxable due to an exclusion program since this value does not increase taxable value and including value that does not increase taxable market value would inappropriately limit refund eligibility.
New Improvements shall have the meaning provided in Article 7.
New Improvements means all construction and fixtures built or erected by the Concessionaire during the Term of this Agreement, and forming a part of, and which are permanently affixed or attached to any portion of the City’s real property or Existing Improvements at the Airport.

Examples of New Improvements in a sentence

  • Concessionaire agrees if necessary, at Concessionaire’s sole cost and expense, to design, erect, construct, install, replace, refurbish, equip and furnish all necessary New Improvements, Removable Fixtures, equipment, fixtures, and make related facility changes as needed to operate a ON AIRPORT RENTAL CAR CONCESSION, pursuant to this Agreement, subject to the Provisions of this Agreement.

  • Upon the completion of New Improvements hereunder, Concessionaire shall submit to the Director a copy of its acceptance letter certifying completion, and a certified copy of any certificate or permit, which may be required by any federal, state or local government or agency in connection with the completion or occupancy thereof by Concessionaire.

  • All New Improvements constructed or placed in the Premises by Concessionaire that are not Removable Fixtures, and all alterations, modifications and enlargements thereof will become part of the Premises with title vesting in City upon expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement; subject, however, to Concessionaires obligation to operate, repair, maintain and replace, and its right of possession, use and occupancy during the term and in accordance with the Agreement.

  • Concessionaire agrees not to permit any mechanics’ or materialmen’s or any other lien or encumbrances to be attached or foreclosed upon the Premises or any part or parcel thereof, or the New Improvements thereon, by reason of any work or labor performed or materials furnished by any mechanic or materialman or for any other reason.

More Definitions of New Improvements

New Improvements means improvements to the Premises during the Term of the Lease (new Hospital wing, parking structures, ASB and related new improvements, collectively), together with any other improvements and expenditures that may be required to the Premises, including but not limited to the Hospital, by the Seismic Requirements.
New Improvements shall have the meaning provided therefor in the Lease.
New Improvements means the Infrastructure Improvements and the Leased Premises Improvements.
New Improvements means buildings and improvements (including building fixtures) to be constructed by an Owner Entity on a Development Site, including ancillary buildings and site improvements. New Improvements expressly does not include Public Infrastructure Improvements.
New Improvements means new vertical building improvements constructed by Tenant on the Land in replacement of any Existing Improvements (the Initial New Projects), but shall exclude (i) interior buildout or storefront improvements constructed by or on behalf of any Subtenant or End User in any Existing Improvements and (ii) any subsequent improvements or remodels of New Improvements.
New Improvements means Company’s construction development classified as new construction by TCAD for valuation purposes as part of the project to be constructed, expanded, and/or renovated as described in this Agreement and Attachment A and Company began construction after the Effective Date.
New Improvements means (a) with respect to a particular Tract of Land, all new Improvements to such Tract and its Existing Improvements contemplated by the Plans and Specifications for such Tract delivered by Lessee to Lessor and (b) with respect to all the Land, all such new Improvements. Each reference to "New Improvements" shall refer collectively to New Improvements with respect to all the Land unless such reference specifically indicates that it applies to a particular Tract.