New Market definition
Examples of New Market in a sentence
Airtel, Near New Market, BHOPAL(M.P.)-462 023.Tel.:- 0755-2569201Fax : 0755-2769203Email Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh BHUBANESHWAR Shri B.
No.: 07272 426010 Dhanbad 208 New Market, 2nd Floor, Bank More, Dhanbad - 826001.
New Market Orders (MOs) will be rejected by the system, however, modification or withdrawal of the existing MOs can be performed.
Airtel, Near New Market, BHOPAL(M.P.)-462 003.Tel.:- 0755-2769201/9202 Fax : 0755-2769203Email: Pradesh & ChhattisgarhBHUBANESHWAROffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, 62, Forest Park,BHUBANESHWAR-751 009.Tel.:- 0674-2596455/2596003 Fax : 0674-2596429Email: of the Insurance Ombudsman, 24th Main Road, Jeevan Soudha Bldg.
Axel Michaelowa “Can New Market Mechanisms Mobilize Emissions Reductions from the Private Sector?” Discussion Paper ES 2012-1.
Currently, the negotiations under the UNFCCC include discussions on improving the existing market mechanisms as well as creating New Market Mechanisms (NMMs).
SEAN-CC NETWORK, History of Negotiations on New Market Mechanisms, UNEP SEAN-CC NETWORK, 2012.
The amount of a grant made under this subsection to any entity other than a New Markets Venture Capital company shall be equal to the resources (in cash or in kind) raised by the entity in accordance with the requirements applicable to New Market Ven- ture Capital companies set forth in section 689c(d)(2) of this title.
CFLP agrees that its proposal to create a new Marketplace and the requirements relating thereto will be commercially reasonable in scope and that CFLP or another Cantor Party will diligently pursue the development of such Marketplace in a meaningful way and that failure to do so within two years of the provision of the New Market Notice will cause any rights of the eSpeed Parties and the Cantor Parties in this Section 7 and Section 8 of this Agreement to revert to their original status.
This disclosure shall take place on Members’ and/or New Market Entrants’ Free File Landing Pages (or such page must have a clear link to such disclosures directly from this page).