NIAB definition
Examples of NIAB in a sentence
CIF/CIP with customs clearance charges, Bank/LC charges, transportation up to NIAB, Hyderabad shall be the basis of evaluation.
In exceptional cases, the Director, NIAB reserve the right to award the order on any other Bidder based on the recommendations of Expert Committee Constituted for the Evaluation of the this Tender.
Payment Term will be finalized by NIAB Policy and remain mandatory for supplier.
Prices indicated shall be entered separately in the following manner (For indigenous Items): The Price of the goods, quoted (ex-works, ex-factory, ex- showroom, ex-warehouse, or off-the shelf, as applicable), including all duties and sales and other taxes already paid or payable.Rates should be quoted ‘FOR’ NIAB, Hyderabad inclusive of packing, forwarding, Customs clearance, installation and commission charges etc.
Offers/BID without this shall be summarily rejected.The competent authority in NIAB will have full right to reject any/all offer(s) without assigning any reason thereof and does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any other tender and full authority to postpone the tender issue date, submission /opening date or to alter any other condition of tender as per Policy/Committee recommendations of NIAB for which no claim from whomsoever will be entertained.
Performance Security can be submitted in the form of DD / FDR / Bank guarantee (BG) issued/confirmed from any of the commercial banks in India as per NIAB format/ in an acceptable form, safeguarding the NIAB interest in all respects.
The supplier has to give written acknowledgement as acceptance to this format of contract/Purchase order.The format/details can be seen by successful bidder at NIAB Purchase Section.
NIAB reserves the right to postpone the tender issue date, submission /opening date and to accept or reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons.
E-PROCUREMENT UNDER CENTRAL PUBLIC PROCUREMENT PORTALOn behalf of the Director, NIAB - Hyderabad, India, online bids through are invited under Single Bid System from reputed manufacturers or their authorized agents for the supply / installation/ commissioning of the following item(s) / Provide the Service /Work mentioned in Chapter-1 in this tender notice.