Nominated Trustee definition

Nominated Trustee means the Trustees nominated by the Residential Occupants, the Commercial Occupants and the Local Authority;
Nominated Trustee means a person who has been nominated and elected or re-elected by the Council to serve for three years or any lesser period in accordance with these Articles "officers" The Trustees of the Charity "the United Kingdom" means Great Britain and Northern Ireland "Trustee" means a director of the Charity who is also a Charity Trustee as defined by section 177 of the Charities Act 2011 “the 2006 Act” means the Companies Act 2006
Nominated Trustee means a Trustee who is appointed due to having been nominated by the Councillors’ Trustees and the Members’ Trustees in terms of Rule 12.1.4 and who may or may not be an Independent External Trustee.

Examples of Nominated Trustee in a sentence

  • The Commission approved the use of a two- tiered rule structure in its staff requirements memorandum, dated February 15, 1991, on SECY–90–377, ‘‘Requirements for Design Certification under 10 CFR part 52,’’ dated November 8, 1990.Tier 1 information means the portionof the design-related information contained in the generic DCD that is approved and certified by this appendix.

  • The Government argues that including costs like the plant shutdown costs would discourage competition, and that these costs were “expected to be more than offset by encouraging competition.” Id. at 24.

  • BOARD OF TRUSTEESWho have overall responsibility for Health and Safety[the Nominated Trustee Responsible for H&S is Mr John Webster] DIRECTOR OF OPERATIONS & FINANCEIn conjunction with the Estates Director, will have day to day management responsibility of Health and Safety for all schools HEADWill assist the Trustees in directing the overall management and development of the Policy ESTATES DIRECTORSchool’s Safety Co-ordinator and responsible for regulatory compliance.

  • The Member Nominated Trustee Directors are members of the Scheme.

  • The Local Government Pension etc (Civil Partnership) (Scotland) Amendment Regulations 2005 similarly provide for the payment of survivor benefits to civil partners where the former employee ceased employment after 5 April 1988Statutory Provision – Scottish Teachers Superannuation Scheme Under the Teachers Superannuation (Scotland) Regulations 2005 (as amended), an employer may apply two early retirement options.

  • After a Nominated Trustee has served three consecutive terms in office, he or she shall only be eligible for re-nomination and re-appointment if the Nominations Committee recommends the Nominated Trustee for re-nomination and the Board of Trustees by special resolution determines that it would be in the best interests of the University for the Nominated Trustee to be appointed for a further term of up to three years as the Board of Trustees shall resolve.

  • The Member Nominated Trustee Director arrangements are determined by the Trustee.

  • The office of Student Trustee, University Nominated Trustee or External Trustee shall be vacated if a majority resolution of no confidence is passed by the Trustees.

  • In accordance with Rule D24 an election was held at the Annual General Meeting on 15 December 2016, as the longest standing Member Nominated Trustee Director Mr D Cronin stood down.

  • The third part indicates the limitations of the current research and suggests possible areas for future research.

More Definitions of Nominated Trustee

Nominated Trustee means a charity trustee appointed by a Nominating Body. “Nominating Body” means any organisation with the option of nominating trustees (nominated trustees). The list of organisations eligible to nominate trustees is as follows:•
Nominated Trustee means a charity trustee appointed by a Nominating Body. “Nominating Body” means either the Chapter or the Council as the case may be.
Nominated Trustee means a charity trustee appointed by a Nominating Body. “Nominating Body” means the Town Council

Related to Nominated Trustee

  • Nominating Committee means the nominating committee of the board of directors of the Company established pursuant to the Articles, or any successor committee.

  • Nominated Representative means, in respect of each party, the person whose details are set out in the Special Conditions (if any).

  • Nominated Officer means an officer charged with the responsibility for discharging specific tasks within Standing Orders and Standing Financial Instructions.

  • Lead Member shall, in the case of a joint venture, mean the member of such joint venture who shall have the authority to bind the contractor and each member of the Joint venture; and shall be deemed to be the Contractor for the purposes of this Agreement; the Lead Member shall itself undertake and perform at least 51% (fifty one per cent) of the total length of the Project Highway;

  • Relevant Nominating Body means, in respect of a benchmark or screen rate (as applicable):