Written Notification definition

Written Notification means an electronic document (including faxes, emails, internal mail on the client terminal etc.) or an announcement on the Company's website.
Written Notification means notification in writing mailed or delivered to the address of the person to whom such notification is intended as shown on the records kept by the Fiscal Officer under these Rules, or in anyway delivered to such person. If mailed, such notification shall be mailed first-class mail, deposited in a U.S. Postal Service mailbox no later than the second day preceding the day of the meeting to which such notification refers, provided that at least one regular mail delivery day falls between the day of mailing and the day of such meeting.
Written Notification means an electronic document (including faxes, emails, internal mail on the client terminal etc.) or an announcement on the Company's website. “Processing Center” shall mean a legal entity or its department that supports the informational and technological interaction between payment participants. “Business Day” shall mean a working day from Monday till Friday. “Free Margin” shall mean free equity in transaction account, which can be used to open a new position. “Server” shall mean all programs and technology used to make and carry out the Client's instructions, as well as presenting trading information in real time (the information is specified by the Company), with операции, выставлять/изменять/удалять ордера, а также получать сообщения от Компании. «Котировка» — информация о текущем курсе инструмента, выраженная в виде Bid и Ask. «Курс» — стоимость единицы базовой валюты, выраженная в валюте котировки. «Личный Кабинет» — индивидуальное пространство Клиента на Веб-сайте Компании, доступ к которому открывается после введения уникального логина и пароля. Эта защищенная область, предназначенная для идентификации Клиента, поддержки его счетов, ведения реестра проведенных сделок и информационной поддержки работы Клиента. «Неактивный торговый счет» — торговый счет Клиента, на котором в течение 3 календарных месяцев подряд не было открыто ни одной позиции, не было выставлено ни одного отложенного ордера и не было совершено ни одной неторговой операции. «Неторговая операция» — операция внесения на Счет Клиента, снятия денежных средств со Счета Клиента или предоставления (возврата) Кредита. «Номер Личного Кабинета» — уникальный номер, предоставляемый каждому Клиенту, принявшему настоящее соглашение. «Открытые позиции» означает совокупный рыночный риск, возникающий вследствие покупки/продажи финансовых инструментов в соответствии распоряжениями Клиента, существующий все время до последующего закрытия этих рыночных сделок/рисков обратными сделками. «Письменное уведомление» — электронный документ (включая факсы, e-mail, внутреннюю почту клиентского терминала и т.д.), объявление на сайте Компании. «Процессинговый центр» — юридическое лицо или его структурное подразделение, обеспечивающее информационное и технологическое взаимодействие между участниками расчетов. «Рабочий день» — рабочий день с понедельника по пятницу. «Свободная маржа» – свободные средства на торговом счёте, которые могут быть использованы для открытия новой позиции. «Сервер» — все программы и технич...

Examples of Written Notification in a sentence

  • Written notification to the District from the Union must be received by the first workday of the month in which dues will be deducted from the employee’s pay.

  • The Contractor will have an established process for reminders, follow-ups, and outreach to members that includes:  Written notification of upcoming or missed key points of contact within a set time period, taking into consideration language and literacy capabilities of members.

  • Written notification of the certified stay should be sent to the employee, hospital and attending physician.

  • Written notification of a reduction-in-force will occur no later than March 15th.

  • Written notification shall include: 1) the date and time each station has fully met the operational date definition; 2) a listing of the qualification testing performed; and 3) the results of those tests.

More Definitions of Written Notification

Written Notification means notification in writing mailed, faxed, telegraphed, electronically mailed (“e-mailed”) or otherwise delivered to the address, including an e-mail address, of the person for whom such notification is intended as shown on the records kept by the Secretary of the Corporation under this Article IV, or in any way delivered to such person. If mailed, such notification shall be mailed by first class mail, deposited in a U.S. Postal Service mailbox no later than the second day preceding the day of the meeting to which such notification refers, provided that at least one regular mail delivery day falls between the day of mailing and the day of such meeting. If e-mailed, the notification shall be sent no later than the 5:00 p.m., in the time zone applicable to the recipient, on the second day before the day of the meeting, and shall be sent so as to return an electronic receipt to the sender evidencing that the intended recipient has opened the e-mail.
Written Notification means notice provided by mail, e-mail, newsletter, payroll insert or other similar direct communication in writing that is addressed to the employee. Posting information on websites, bulletin boards and other passive communication vehicles shall not constitute notifica- tion under RCW 42.17.680. If the written notification appears in a newsletter or similar publication, the notice shall be prominently displayed or announced on the first page of the written communication.
Written Notification means a formal announcement of a legally, operational and/or commercial relevant fact or; an action or intent given by sending an electronic message to the electronic service address at or through which the party or other person has authorized electronic service.
Written Notification means notification in writing mailed by first class mail, faxed, telegraphed, electronically mailed (“e-mailed”) or otherwise delivered to the address, including an e-mail address, of the person for whom such notification is intended as shown on the records kept by the Secretary of the Corporation under this Article IV, or in any way delivered to such person.
Written Notification means the notification sent to a debtor by the department on Form 470-1668, Notice of Setoff of an Iowa Income Tax Refund for Debts Owed the Department of Human Services, Form 470-4139, Notice of Income Offset Against State Warrants, and Form 470-4140, Notice of Income (Payroll) Offset.
Written Notification means the notification sent to a debtor by the department on Form 470-1668, Notice of Setoff of an Iowa Income Tax Refund for Debts Owed the Department of Human Services, Form 427-0538, Notice of Income Offset Against State Warrants for Debts Owed the Depart- ment of Human Services, and Form 427-0539, Notice of Income (Payroll) Offset Against State War- rants for Debts Owed the Department of Human Services.
Written Notification means notification in a letter or other communication submitted to the Commission on paper or by electronic means.