Nonmetropolitan area definition

Nonmetropolitan area means any area that is not located in an MSA.
Nonmetropolitan area means an area which is not an “urbanized area” as defined by the United States Bureau of the Census. An urbanized area comprises one or more places (“central places”) and the adjacent densely settled surrounding territory (“urban fringe”) that together have a minimum of fifty thousand (50,000) persons. An urban fringe generally consists of contiguous territory having a density of at least one thousand (1,000) persons per square mile. An urban fringe also includes outlying territory of such density if it was connected to the core of the contiguous area by road and is within one and one-half road miles of that core, or within five (5) road miles of the core but separated by water or other undevelopable territory. Other territory with a population density of fewer than one thousand (1,000) people per square mile is included within an urban fringe if it eliminates an enclave or closes an indentation in the boundary of the urbanized area;
Nonmetropolitan area means all areas of the state except a

Examples of Nonmetropolitan area in a sentence

  • Nonmetropolitan area FMRs are set at the higher of the local 40th percentile rent level or the Statewide average of nonmetropolitan counties.

  • Non-metropolitan area means the geographic area outside designated metropolitan planning areas (with the urbanized areas of 50,000 census population or more being designated as metropolitan planning areas under 23 U.S.C. 134 and 49 U.S.C. 5303).

  • LPHA PROGRAMS AND SERVICES:Case Management Overall 100% 80% 60% 40% 20% 48%A CH A R TB OOK n = 649 26%PROGRAMS AND SERVICESCase management services are directly provided by almost half of all LPHAs. Non-metropolitan area LPHAs more frequently directly provided case management services than metropolitan area LPHAs.Provision of this service varied by LPHA type.

  • Nonmetropolitan area occupational data now available Among the vital inputs to the BLS la- bor market projections published in our last issue are data derived from the BLS Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) program.

  • Nonmetropolitan area FMRs are set at the higher of the local 40th percentile rent level or the statewide average of nonmetropolitan counties.

More Definitions of Nonmetropolitan area

Nonmetropolitan area means any geographic area outside all designated metropolitan plan- ning areas.
Nonmetropolitan area means an area not included in a metropolitan area.
Nonmetropolitan area means any area of Australia other than a metropolitan area;
Nonmetropolitan area means a geographic area outside the designated metropolitan planning areas.
Nonmetropolitan area means any geo- graphic area outside all designated metro- politan planning areas.
Nonmetropolitan area meansany area that is not located in an MSA.
Nonmetropolitan area means all areas of the state except a county having a population in excess of one hundred thousand (100,000) persons according to the most recent Federal Decennial Census;